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Re: SimpleSub bugs, suggestions or other comments here
Quite a regular
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samwel wrote:
I just thought of something.. Is it at all possible to have
the preview video inside the editor window rather than a
separate window? Maybe in an own tab? When preview
or play is pressed the app could jump to the tab by itself.
Maybe too much work or limitations of ReAction?

You know, I thought a lot about that, although I have no idea how to go about doing that or if it's even possible, but I decided against it anyway for a couple of reasons. One is that I decided against using up the window realestate to always have a video box showing regardless of if your previewing or playing a video. Better used for showing more titles. I'd rather the video could actually be shown in the size it really is instead of having to shrink it down to fit in the corner of a window or something. Third, the program is designed to allow editing while the video is playing and I think a seperate window work better for this. Also, MPlayer crashes if you run two copies of it, so being able to shut it down without having to quit SimpleSub is desirable.

Thanks again for the inputs though. Even if I don't adapt them all I appreciate them because they make me think about how things might be done better.

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Re: SimpleSub bugs, suggestions or other comments here
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Well, the HINTS one I'm not so unhappy with as I guess I'm used to it from ffmpegGUI. Besides. I want it to be easily accessable to turn on and off not matter what tab it active. I agree with you on the TEST MODE checkbox. I tried differnt locations and really didn't find anything I like. Again, I don't want it hidden in a tab because I want it visible with the Encode gadget. I could just see someone encoding, not realizing it's selected and trying to figure out why only part of the video is being encoded. I'll have to give this one some more thought.

IMO these kind of check settings usually should be be put
in menu's or in separate preferences to make the application
window seem more clear and easy to use. Which is WAY
MORE important than first users making a mess when trying
the application without checking the manual first.
Also I would say this application isn't that hard to figure out.

But its your app and suggestions doesn't cost anything.


Yes, you can seperate the text with the bar '|' character and that will cause a newline in the title text. (ie. This a line|this is another line|and another.)
You can have as many as you want. It's described in the gadget hint for the "Text Entry" gadget. I forgot to show that capability in the first videos but I included it in the new V1.1 features video I just posted.

Ok nice. But I didn't explain myself clearly. I meant If you
can get multiple lines shown in the editor so you don't
have to enter a BAR char? Like a little of WYSIWYG..


Import and Export of formats that MPlayer supports is next on the "todo" list. Did you have a particular format in mind? No promises when though.

I found this site..
http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archi ... tle_formats_explained.cfm

The VobSub and SSA formats could be useful to atleast
cover the most used formats. Are those MPlayer "friendly"?


You know, I thought a lot about that, although I have no idea how to go about doing that or if it's even possible, but I decided against it anyway for a couple of reasons. One is that I decided against using up the window realestate to always have a video box showing regardless of if your previewing or playing a video. Better used for showing more titles. I'd rather the video could actually be shown in the size it really is instead of having to shrink it down to fit in the corner of a window or something. Third, the program is designed to allow editing while the video is playing and I think a seperate window work better for this. Also, MPlayer crashes if you run two copies of it, so being able to shut it down without having to quit SimpleSub is desirable.

I meant the preview having its own tab not in the same
window as editing.
A preview could be played scaled down inside a tabbed
window and full playback could be done in a window or in
The movie could be closed and released when the user closes/changes tabs.
Again only suggestions, maybe bad ones, but as you said
they could make you think about other ways of doing things..

Keep up the good work.

Best Regards,


[SOLD] ?A1-C, 512MB, Antec Aria
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Re: SimpleSub bugs, suggestions or other comments here
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I haven't seen an option for changing FPS anywhere?

23.976, 24, 25, 29.97 and 30 are the ones used in Win
editors. But this option is maybe only needed when resyncing?

Best Regards,


[SOLD] ?A1-C, 512MB, Antec Aria
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Re: SimpleSub bugs, suggestions or other comments here
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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samwel wrote:
IMO these kind of check settings usually should be be put in menu's or in separate preferences to make the application window seem more clear and easy to use. Which is WAY MORE important than first users making a mess when trying the application without checking the manual first.

You make a good point and I'm very tempted to move it to a menu as you suggest, although I think where it is it doesn't really get in the way of the GUI and it wouldn't benefit much if I moved it. I'd be intrested to hear what others think.

Also I would say this application isn't that hard to figure out.

Well then I've been at least a bit successful. :)

But its your app and suggestions doesn't cost anything.

Your suggestions are appreciated and have caused me to think a bit more about the "Test Mode" gadget. I"m thinking I'll remove the "Quit" button as it's redundent and I'll replace it with a toggling "Test Mode" button.
See, your input is valuable.

Ok nice. But I didn't explain myself clearly. I meant If you can get multiple lines shown in the editor so you don't have to enter a BAR char? Like a little of WYSIWYG..

Oh, yes. I thought about that initially and decided to keep it simple for the first release. I'll put it on the list for consider for the future. I even considered having it use the font that will be used for encoding the title to make it even more WYSIWYG but that might make it a bit harder to read. I'll have to experiment with it sometime. Good suggestion.

I found this site..
http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archi ... tle_formats_explained.cfm
The VobSub and SSA formats could be useful to atleast
cover the most used formats. Are those MPlayer "friendly"?

Thanks for the link. It contains nice information on a variety of formats in one spot. The problem with VobSub and SSA formats is that the title text is actually stored as bitmap files. This makes it much more difficult to support. Having said that I might be able to do something with VobSub. We'll see.

I meant the preview having its own tab not in the same window as editing. The movie could be closed and released when the user closes/changes tabs.

The problem with having it in it's own tab is that you can't be veiwing the video and editing at the same time because the editor is in a different tab. The idea of preview is to be viewing the moving and controlling it via the play video gadgets to fine the times to enter into the start and end times for the titles. In fact, I hope to evenutally have "Mark Start" and "Mark End" gadgets that when clicked on will enter the start and end times into the gadget based on the time displayed by mplayer. With MPlayer having an AREXX port it's very feesible.

Again only suggestions, maybe bad ones, but as you said they could make you think about other ways of doing things..
Keep up the good work.

Thanks. Your ideas are very much appreciated.

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Re: SimpleSub bugs, suggestions or other comments here
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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samwel wrote:
I haven't seen an option for changing FPS anywhere?
23.976, 24, 25, 29.97 and 30 are the ones used in Win
editors. But this option is maybe only needed when resyncing?

Your right, there isn't one. Currenlty is should just keep the same frame rate as the original. For SimpleSub I was really trying to keep the encoding paramater all the same as the original and was hoping not have to support any of them. Unfortunatly mencoder does not automaticall keep the video/audio codecs or bitrates the same as the original so I had to add the aibility to set those paramaters. I looked into reading them from the original video and just using those settings but that seemed unreliable so I had to allow the paramaters to be set by the user. If you know of a compelling reason to need to set the Frame Rate, let me know. It certianly wouldn't be hard to add. I'm just trying to keep SimpleSub simple and focused on subtitling and don't want to end up re-creating ffmpegGUI for mencoder.

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Re: SimpleSub bugs, suggestions or other comments here
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I have no problems having the video on own window like now as it doesnt interfere with the gui and doesnt take space making the gui big. But as always im scalable, if you decide to make it in the gui i have no problems with that. Maybe i will be surprised. Im more of have to see and try before i actually say anything about this. But as said i like it as it is.

So i dont think i wrote anything that helps you here in deciding. Maybe a arteffected screenshot too see how it would look like :) Or like pc users says, photoshopped.

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Re: SimpleSub bugs, suggestions or other comments here
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Kicko wrote:
I have no problems having the video on own window like now as it doesnt interfere with the gui and doesnt take space making the gui big.

I'm in agreement with you. I like it seperate as well. No plans to change it unless I find a compelling reason.

What do you think abou the "Hint" gadget. Is it destracting being on the GUI or do you think it should be a menu item?

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