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Perhaps this may help:
from include/interfaces/docky.h BOOL *DockyGet(struct DockyIFace *Self, uint32 msgType, uint32 * msgData); BOOL *DockySet(struct DockyIFace *Self, uint32 msgType, uint32 msgData); BOOL *DockyProcess(struct DockyIFace *Self, uint32 turnCount, uint32 * msgType, uint32 * msgData, BOOL * anotherTurn);
from include/libraries/docky.h /* ** --- Docky Init Sequence --- ** ** The following steps are the typical sequence how AmiDock opens a docky. ** ** DockyGet(DOCKYGET_Version, ...); ** DockySet(DOCKYSET_DockyFileName, ...); -> not done for an AppDocky ** DockySet(DOCKYSET_DockyAttention, ...); ** DockySet(DOCKYSET_DockyPrefs, ...); ** DockySet(DOCKYSET_Screen, ...); ** DockySet(DOCKYSET_Window, ...); ** DockySet(DOCKYSET_DockTypeChange, ...); ** DockySet(DOCKYSET_DockOrientationChange, ...); ** DockyGet(DOCKYGET_InvisibleProcess, ...); ** DockyGet(DOCKYGET_Notifications, ...); ** DockyGet(DOCKYGET_FrameDelay, ...); ** [- future expansion -] ** DockySet(DOCKYSET_DockFontChange, ...); ** DockyGet(DOCKYGET_RenderMode, ...); ** DockyGet(DOCKYGET_GetSize, ...); ** DockyGet(DOCKYSET_RenderDestination, ...); */