Twice today I ran out of keys. I read the manual but couldn't see what to do in that case. Do I just abort the game (escape x2) or there are other options? Thanks!
No other options: keys are a little puzzle element of the game, so the player is required to choose how to use keys wisely.
RETREAM - retro dreams for Amiga, Commodore 64 and PC
I tried , but it looks like I did not try enough! I guess I just need to play it more and memorize critical levels. Last time I had fun playing a game was with Rimworld, and with this kind of a game, can't even remember. It is a real gem!
I guess I just need to play it more and memorize critical levels.
A solution is looking at the maze before stepping inside, and evaluating the various paths. An additional strategy is to not open a door before making sure that it isn't possible to reach the places it gives access to by means of other door-free paths.
RETREAM - retro dreams for Amiga, Commodore 64 and PC
I have totally lost my mind! For whatever reason, instead of unpausing the game, I hit esc one more time and aborted the game... Check out the number of soldiers behind the door.
That's a real pity - I feel for you! Anyway, you're in the groove, so you'll be able to repeat the performance and go much further ;)
Suggestion: don't always start from the very beginning, but restart from the highest level that the game allows you to start from. That's because (if I remember correctly - I don't have the manual at hand) the level number acts as a points multiplier, so it's easier to score more - and climb the standing. As an added bonus, you get to see and learn new levels, thus also experiencing less repetitiveness. Only once you've seen all/most of the levels, start a game from the scratch to make the highest score possible.
EDIT: I got confused with some other game of mine: the level number doesn't act as multiplier.
Edited by saimo on 2022/6/17 21:39:46
RETREAM - retro dreams for Amiga, Commodore 64 and PC
tried playing at continuing game as well and didn't notice any extra bonus..oops just saw your edit below but anyhow just confirming. Looking forward to playing some more tonight once my yard/garden work is done at both my and my mothers house
Looking forward to playing some more tonight once my yard/garden work is done at both my and my mothers house
Normally one does something relaxing after a stressful activity: here it sounds like you're doing it the other way around :D
I'm pleased to know that somebody is having fun with a game of mine - thank you. When you're done, I'll be curious to know also which levels you have reached (and any comment you feel like sharing, of course).
RETREAM - retro dreams for Amiga, Commodore 64 and PC
Almost completed The Machine Rooms, 4 levels shy of that. There is nowhere to hide there, lol! And the spawning was brutal but fair, it was my own greed that killed me at the end. I love the mechanical voice of the robots, it's a nice touch.