I hope I didn't cause you too much stress with my video. But the interest in WormHole shows that this program is very popular. I also hope that this will generate some donations for your work. WormHole works perfectly for my computers, A1200, X5000, Win11PC :) Thank you again for this great tool
In the meantime, I wonder how the program works on OSX. Do the functions in the settings menu work? Does overwriting the file works? How the icon look like? Clapperboard or the swirling image?
I would appreciate an overview!
I have recorded how WormHole works for me on my Mac, although I suspect they will continue to ignore me
In the first video, you can see WormHole's behavior after I run “chmod +x” WormHole_OSX/WormHole.app/Contents/MacOS/WormHole. When I launch WormHole here, it shows me the icon and I don't have to launch it directly from the HollyWood player.
I tested it with a 1Gb file that I transferred from my Mac to my X5000, you can see it in the second video...also I posted WormHole on my YouTube channel to show people how fast the file transfer is. For me personally, it's currently the fastest network transfer available to us.
WormHole under MacOs:
Direct transfer of files, tested with a file over 1Gb in size
MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
My issue here is slowness and integrity of the download.
I sent a 300MB .MP4 from my X5K to the Mac Pro, it did eventually arrive. Kind of slow but made it and it played fine. The full size of the file was there as well.
On the return trip, it took 3 to 4x as long as the whole file did not arrive even though it appears in the directory I asked it to save in.
The original file was about 350mb and the return was only 305mb and won't play in Emotion.
The original mp4 played fine but yeh, something seems to truncate large files for me and they don't all come over same size or useable.
Just my 3 cents so far.
But small files 2 to 5mb, fine. Larger not so much, for me.
can you tell me the names of the apps you had in your top status bar that showed the speed of your network transfer.
I want to install that.
You can find the AmiDock addons among others in zTools, it is a small tool collection with installer. Search for it in the AmiStore and you will find it quickly.
About WormHole, I'm not sure why the transfers are slow for you, for me it's exactly the same, it's really very fast, faster than smbfs and for large files it's perfect for me. For smaller files I will continue to use smbfs.
MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE