If you have it nearly ready, why not?
I guess saving a document with AbiWord under html, it can be usefull to manipulate the images you want to insert.
Maybe Gimp users see an usage too ?
As ImageMagick is a CLI set of programs, don't we need a shell under AmiCygnix to run it?
I don't think that it will be useful for AbiWord or especially Gimp users. "Display" a nice tool for displaying and editing pictures. Maybe interesting for people, who know it from their Linux system.
You can launch every AmiCygnix commandline tool from a normal Amiga shell. Or you can add it to Rox-Filer, the file manager from the AmiCygnix tools package. Or you launch it with an standalone script (like it is Included in every new AmiCygnix program package) without loading the desktop and with an display window on the workbench (needs about a second to load).
Unfortunately I discovered a problem. Currently "Display" and "Animate" have problems with displaying 24bit pictures on the 16bit display of the X server (the only depth currently supported by my X server). The colors are mixed up. Only reducing the colors to 65536 colors will show the correct colors. So I think it makes no sense to publish my package, before I was able to fix this.
convert -background lightblue -gravity center -size 180x "pango:The <b>bold</b> and <i>beautiful</i>" ram:pango_formatting.gif
This line no work => "Device not configured"
This would only work with my AmiCygnix versions as it includes Pango support.