I can't find any mention of "true colour" in any of the OS4 Ppaint files and the PPaint screenmode requester only shows Radeon CLUT8 and P96 FAKENATIVE modes. Am I missing something here??
There is a new option, on by default that promotes the chosen screen mode to a 24 (or 16) bit mode of the same dimensions, the image is still 8bit but the screen is 24 bit.
THis enables 3 things
Gadget colours are independent of image.
Thumbnails in the animation timelne window always show true colour whatever the palette of the currently displayed frame.
Screen dragging works even if you have planar on RTG swtched off.
EDIT: I did some PPaint testing and the OS4 version works well. However, unlike my v7.1 PPaint the new 68k version I purchased doesn't work right on OS4. In most screenmodes the gadgets and paint area are just scrambled colors. The pointer also draws in the paint area without pressing the left mouse button. I did find one screenmode and number of colors that produced a normal looking draw area but I can't draw anything and the gadgets in toolbar are scrambled. No big deal since I'm using the OS4 version but I just thought I'd let you know.
You almost certainly have ADDCHIPMEM in your SETPATCH line in user startup, this cons the personal_agnus_blit.library into think there is a real blitter, hence the corrupt display.
To fix that you would disable Amig Blitter in the Settings->Graphice enu and save your preferences, then restart. (or use the OS$ native version).
The draw without the mouse down thing is a graphics.library bug fixed in FE.
It affects the Amiga OS4 version too, but only show when you switch off the true screen promotion.