Just to keep topic in sync, and maybe someone will need it later for reference: i build latest gcc 11.3 from adtools by fresh install of cygwin with latest cygwin's packages and all going well. In summary what changes:
1. There is the version of cygwin's newer packages used now:
autoconf - 13.1
automake - 11.1
bison - 3.8.2-1
cmake - 3.23.2-1
cvs - 1.11.23-2
flex - 2.6.4-2
gcc-core - 7.4.0-1
gcc-g++ - 7.4.0-1
git - 2.37.3-1
libgmp-devel - 6.2.1-2
libintl-devel -
libisl-devel - 0.25-1
libmpc-devel - 1.2.1-2
libmpfr-devel - 4.1.0-2
libtool - 2.4.6-7
make - 4.3.1
mercurial - 6.1.4-1
perl - 5.32.1-2
python27 - 2.7.18-4
scons - 4.4.0-1
subversion - 1.14.1-1
wget - 1.21.3-1
Then when time to do gild checkout we do all as always, just "gild/bin/gild checkout gcc 11" instead of "gcc 8", (it will automatically take latest 11.x which is 11.3 for now).
And then as always we do change link to correct/latest SDK in the makefile. Now we at SDK 53.34, so new line for Makefile is:
4. Start compiling
When things about to be compiled, you will meet with error in original clib2 build, "crtbegin.c:42:10: fatal error: exec/types.h: No such file or directory", that because in new SDK we do have name of exec archive now "execsg_sdk-54.26.lha", while before things about kernel/utility/etc was in the "base.lha". So, either you manually copy from downloaded SDK from adtools/native-builds/downloads content of execsg_sdk-54.26 to SDK in /usr/local/amiga/ppc-amigaos/SDK, or you modify original makefile in adtools/native-build, by adding another "cd downloads/SDK_Install && lha xf execsg_sdk-54.26.lha" where need it, etc.
But it's good idea to just copy content manually over as it can be more issues with unpacking new SDK, so if you didn't want to bother with all the details, just unpack all the shit where is need it.
And you also will be in needs to deal with Reschedule() until new SDK is not out by replacing in gthr-amigaos-native.c this funtion on:
struct Task *me = IExec->FindTask(NULL);
IExec->SetTaskPri(me, me->tc_Node.ln_Pri);
And that all