Home away from home
Joined: 2007/5/19 14:23 Last Login
: 1/2 17:30
From England
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@DiscreetFX I'm happy to hear you are still around.
I'm sorry if my post offended you... but I can assure you my question was entirely straight forward & honest. No hidden subtext or malicious intent.
If you really want justification: Since I chose to visit your website(s) entirely at random, it seemed very unlikely that I'd visit when it just happened to be down for a short while. Since it's sadly not uncommon for Amiga companies to disappear, it doesn't seem unreasonable to jump to the conclusion that you'd probably disappeared... and then ask on the forums about this (with the small chance I'd be told I was mistaken). Emailing someone to ask when they closed their business seems a bit... nasty to me, so I still think I made the right choice to ask on the forums.