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Home away from home
Home away from home

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Hi, i have a question regarding the listbrowser. When you click on an entry, you get a blue line on the entry for a brief moment. Is it possible to remove that entirely?

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Re: Listbrowser
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Do you need to know about the click (which node was clicked on)?

If not, you can just set GA_ReadOnly to TRUE. Then the browser will not react on clicks.

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Re: Listbrowser
Home away from home
Home away from home

See User information

Why do you want this?

If clicking on the browser is valid user action (ie you don;t want what thomas suggested above) then the user should get visual feedback that they have successfully clicked on the item they were aiming for.

Therefore you should not try to disable this without a "very good reason" If you do have a very good reason, then the render hook is an option to change the way the entry renders.

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Re: Listbrowser
Home away from home
Home away from home

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The reason is it doesn't look good. Besides it's just a small compile not intended for the world.
How can one use render hooks to control this function?
Since turning GA_ReadOnly on and off all the time, doesn't seem like a good way.

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Re: Listbrowser
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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maybe could be implemented something like the possibility of choosing the color? Like every modern library can do?

i'm really tired...
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