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Joined: 2007/5/19 14:23 Last Login
: 1/2 17:30
From England
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@Chris The "Please insert volume http:" bug seems like a fairly major usability problem for anyone trying to use NetSurf (it basically renders NetSurf unusable, unless the user knows the work-around, and even then it reappears every reboot).
As it's not something you can fix (and doesn't seem like something that will get fixed any time soon), I would like to suggest that you add a work-around to NetSurf:
When NetSurf starts, it should check for a http: assignment/volume/handler/etc. If none is found, then it will assign http: to RAM: (or maybe T:). But when NetSurf quits, it should remove this assignment (if possible). An alternative would be to disable the "Please insert volume" requester for NetSurf entirely, but that seems a worse work-around to me (unless you can limit that to the times when it is rendering the page).