2,500 Euro?.... HOLY CROW!
That is ~$3,691.50 Canadian, and
who knows how much more the
criminal governments will tack on in import charges to boot (not even going to mention the extortionate shipping charges. Hmmm, I just did).
Nonetheless, if I had the money, I'd buy the quad-core that they are going to release later, as this is not money that that I would be
unwilling to part with as I've spent more than that in the past on a single computer purchase. However, I'm not sure that I will ever in my entire life see that much money again, all at once in one place that belongs to ME!!!!
So, it might just not happen.
I highly encourage that anyone that
can participate in the resuscitation of AMIGA, please,
please do!The supreme dominance of win-dos seems to be crumbling because people are switching to, seeing that desktops aren't as necessary anymore, tablets and cellphones that can nearly do everything. But I
know that a market for desktops will remain for many many years into the future as tablets and cellphones are more like "toy computers" because they control YOU and the WAY that you compute (if you can call it that on those things).
win-dos will still make and be worth billions and billions, but let's do anything that we can to fragment them further into oblivion!!!!