Unfortunatly $shell(cd) actually returns an unix style path, I suspect CD is executed under 'SH' when run that way, so that is messing up your following cut...
Also using PATH is a bad idea as PATH is likely set to the unix search path, for GCC and abc-shell benefit if nothing else.
CURDIR := $shell(cd)
VOLNAME := $(shell C:cut $(CURDIR) WORD=2 S="/")
echo $(CURDIR)
echo $(VOLNAME)
echo $(VOLUME)
This variation works for me, (but only when run as make not as gmake)
11.NGFSBoot:> make -f RAM:Makefile
echo /NGFSBoot
echo NGFSBoot
echo NGFSBoot:
with gmake
11.NGFSBoot:> gmake -f RAM:Makefile
echo /NGFSBoot
echo T:gmake.sh.863.MEINBH[1]: C:cut: not found sh failed returncode 127
T:gmake.sh.863.MEINBH[1]: C:cut: not found sh failed returncode 127
echo T:gmake.sh.863.MEINBH[1]: C:cut: not found sh failed returncode 127:
T:gmake.sh.863.MEINBH[1]: C:cut: not found sh failed returncode 127:
Edited by broadblues on 2016/12/23 0:49:59