@jabirulo Probably got it : can't get snoopy output before (when it fail with such error), so thinking that nothing open, but it just goint to free/slow mode, and so no output was.
Then, i rebuild vpdf with my old fontconfig port which i use for odyssey (where those config files uses as PROGDIR:cont/font/font.conf), and then, i can see by snoopy that this file is taken once i meet 3st page of your file.
I do not know why and for what it opens (as nothing generates anymore, and db.cache file in the PROGDIR, and morphos release didn't have that directory), but at least there is one situation when this file is used by fontconfig. Maybe kiero a bit modify it (fontconfig library i mean), so it ruled out that situation, but well.. It works with my old port of fontconfig and that conf files from vpdf sources. Through will be intersting to check your pdf on morphos as well to compare.
So, we need that conf directory with all shit anyway, and then need to rewrite that part in font.conf on which you point out before.
@jabirulo Its is probably very very different (and how it ported, and how it works). Also whole VPDF based on the XPDF, Poppler and Cairo, and all includes of which links togehter with each others, all of this referes to VPDF code and includes, all the stuff full of c++ classes and co , so in end of all, it is probably better to write some new font backend without refering to fontconfig at all (as Joerg do for his old OWB), but that for sure hard work.
I also do check now some stuff about our little moment when it want fontconfig file from conf/font/font.conf : if we write there where we have fonts on os4, it start to rebuild ALL the fontcache (new one, again), as it do for Odyssey ( few minutes ?). But when there is just "sys:fonts/" it is somehow uses needit fonts only, and no loose time on rebuilds.
Our fonts are already in "fonts" which come with vpdf, its probably some mistake somewhere in libfontconfig port or whatever, and by unluck want to toach config in that place. But imho better to not rebuild anything, and just use original file in conf (without references to MOSSYS: of course): for users everything will works, will works fast and no problems and crashes.
Don't loose your time with it, GUI will stay as it original
Well that was nothing radical ... just a little redesign of the various buttons/sliders because actually they are placed incoerently
Consider that VPDF is divided in two columns, the one to the left for the content, while the second column for the preview/thumbnail
So that changes could be made, for example:
1 - The "Page" slider width could be reduced (actually it take so much space) 2 - The "Search" area width instead could be incresead a bit, too low space ...
2b - In that way the "_Prev" and the "_Next" button could be fit better into the column and not "invade" the column to the right
3 - There is too much space between the buttons, if you reduce that space a bit then the "Select" and the "Scroll" button could be placed better in the column at the left
4 - The "Outline" button should be placed centrally, just below the thumbnail column (at the right)
5 - Add program name/version/date text into the title area of WB ..
P.S. Thanks for the fontconfig fix, as you see now i was tested it seriously ))
@all Some good news ! Thore add to mui's title that: Quote:
"the new text eliding feature will be applied to too long texts by adding a trailing ellipsis for shortened texts. The latter will be applied for true instances of Title class, but not for instances of Register class for compatibility reasons."
What it mean for us is : in Odyssey and VPDF, when text in tabs will be too long and not fits into the tabs (after resizig), there will be "..." at end of text, and not just skipping of text as it was before. So user visually will know that there is something in. I.e. like in all others modern GUIs. Waiting next nightly for checking!
beta05 working fine with such "problematic" Odyssey PDF
MSG_TOOLBAR_MARK and MSG_TOOLBAR_SCROLL are mutal exclusive when you click one the other gets disabled and are working ok, but if you have MARK active/recessed and you click again on it it just get raised and MARK option still working.
What I mean can the raising event/option on such button be omited as is working in the 4 buttons of LAYOUT (SinglePage, Continuous, TwoFaces and TwoFacesContinuous)?
@samo That done specially, first line version/revision and copyright just for, and second one pure copyright one. That done by author originally, and he probably want it be like this.
@MichaelMerkel I checked code, and rexx's AppToFront seems not implemented:
case REXX_APPTOFRONT: break;
And argument's one code looks a bit strange too, dunno if it should works at all (see in vpdf.c).
-- when use "mark" option marking area renders and selects better. -- selection of pages in main window and in outline window renders correctly now -- results of searching renders correctly now, too. -- name of program and version in WB title bar when main VPDF window is active (before was nothing)