I am not sure, but i believe the solutions given are for clicking on a link in a YAM message. Right?
If so there is another problem i solved sort of::
an html message is seen as a text message in YAM. You can save it s "part 1.2 | html file" though. it is saved under a name such as YAMm00000064-p2.2 You have however to add a .htm or .html extension or Odyssey
won't load it.
I automated the process using Gui4Cli's xNOTIGY event.
IF $RepNotify = -1
cd t:yam
CLI 'list >env:.YAM__htm lformat="%N"'
IFexists FILE $.YAM__htm
copy $.YAM__htm t:$.YAM__htm\#.htm
.YAM__htm = $.YAM__htm\#.htm
file:///t:$.YAM__htm" ENDIF
RepNotify = $(-$RepNotify)
I do save the html part in a t:yam directory, the file gets an extension and URLOpen is called to load the file in Odyssey
Using Odysselauncher2 will work too of course
If a previous file is allready in that directory i use the save requester to first delete that file, before savint the new one.
Not perfect but still
The code resides in background Gui4CLI program, that i start up early. It could be launched on startup or a YAM script could launch it when loaded.