Use smbfs from the Amiga side, share out using Samba on the Mac.
I never had much luck with the current version of smbfs, so you may need to track down the previous one - it does mount though, so if you get that far you should be good (downgrade if you have problems after).
I think I will give up and try ftp instead. Any hints will be cherised.
As i say in post #78 , hint are to use RC-FTPd on amigaos side. It is mui based, need almost no worry about settings (very litle time to worry about), and works without crashes.
I use it when working with cross-compiling odysssey and copy it to the amigaos side.
The whole setup is not very stable. I had to do a lot of rebooting on the mac to get Macfusion going, and on the Amiga side, there are lots of popup errors, that need to be skipped. I haven't tried transfering large amounts of data yet, only small files back and forth - I expect the actual transfer of meaningfull amounts of content to be somewhat dreadful. But it seems, that it is going to work.
Q: Is there a more updated version of rc-ftpd? It seems, that the sources are available and updated, but they don't build on OS 4.
Hum, rc-ftpd is 68k. Not sexy to use it on OS4 :-p
You might want to try ftpd which starts automatically as a TCP service. Not all FTP commands work but you can still transfer easyly from/to your OS4 machine.
@alfkil, to avoid rc-ftpd popups, you must set a DOS compatibility variable, but actually I doesnt remember which one and the value to put in. Found it, I have those lines in application.dos in DEVS:
there is also an email address I removed from the output, file size it's 90936 bytes
There is a command to put rc-ftpd on the DOS compatibility list, but I cannot find it, anyway when I installed it on my X-1000 I edited manually application.dos and for me it works
Edited by pvanni on 2017/3/26 11:05:49 Edited by pvanni on 2017/3/26 11:06:58
Yes, the second tab displays the builtin compatibility entries but you can select (on the first tab), any program you want and add it to the black list.