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A small program using Nova
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I have made a small program using Nova

see here:


Alain Thellier

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Re: A small program using Nova
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Has a problem here, draws the full picture then instantly redraws only showing the sky and mountain tops.

X1000 / R7 250 / latest nova.

Amiga user since 1985
AOS4, A-EON, IBrowse & Alinea Betatester

Ps. I hate the new amigans website. <shudder>
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Re: A small program using Nova
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Does the same for me, but it's just the camera panning up to the sky. Hold the left mouse button down and you can rotate the camera. X, Y, Z keys move you around (hold shift to switch directions).

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Re: A small program using Nova
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Nice to see low CPU usage!

I had two issues with the demo, but I'm not sure if they are intentional or are bugs:

I can see a "foggy wall" pretty close all around me, which appears to stick out of the small bit of landscape that I can clearly see. (Is it a *very* close 'sky box'?)

I can't read French, but if the purpose of the demo was to show pretty water, it's not doing such a good job, because I can't find a way to get a good look at the water! (I'm way too high up, even after holding Y, and cannot look down very sharply using the mouse.)

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: A small program using Nova
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Thanks for feedback
Yes there is a sky cube

Yes the camera got several problems : this is due to the fact that it was initially a PC program using GL but as I wasnt able to port it using only GL-ES so I removed all the GL/Windows code that I replaced with Nova code but the camera/axis stuff that I implemented is bugged

>the purpose of the demo was to show pretty water
In fact the purpose was to show a pure fragment shader effect that was not doable with old Warp3D nor MiniGL

Alain Thellier

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