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a SDL version or E-UAE/RuninUAE question
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HI All

This week I have been playing around with trying to do my own E-UAE setup in a seperate partition away from where E-UAE and RuninUAE are currently set up on my DH0 partition as is standard.

The reason for this is that I want to take advantage of the better screenmodes that the Amiga OS 4 SDL E-UAE version offers compared to the AmiGFX which is packaged with AmigaOS4.1 Final Edition on the X5000. It has also given me the chance to update the E-UAE executable to the JIT version.

I am also trying to to install AmiSYS on this new E-UAE configuration to make it look nicer. Thankfully the Amisys hardfile comes with UAEGFX screenmodes which in 1920x1080 in particular look fabulous. However I appear to have run into a problem here, yes my AmiSYS set up works and i have managed to set up and get it to load from a hardfile, however i appear unable to let RuninUAE target this new E-UAE installation so that things load from one click on the desktop.

Now i know that the installation of RuninUAE has its own particular config settings and I have tried to change this so that it defaults to the hardfile for anyone who is curious my settings on the X5000 pointing to the new setup are as follows: the DH0,DH1 and Dh2 partitions are OS4 partitions which are viewable btw in E-UAE


however when i do run a game via RuninUAE and it goes into Workbench mode first, the screenmode defaults to an 8 colour 640x256resolution on the workbench which i find looks a little overstretched and well to put it bluntly ugly compared to the screenmode in Amisys.

Has anyone actually managed to get RuninUAE to display a workbench screenmode higher than 640x256 within their classic workbench setup and if so is there something in the .uaercsettings.

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Re: a SDL version or E-UAE/RuninUAE question
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is it not a question of prefs/screenmode ? you can setup uae the way you want, at the end the AOS has to know which resolution to use too !

just a wild guess.

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Re: a SDL version or E-UAE/RuninUAE question
Home away from home
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While your post misses some details, it sounds like you have two entirely separate problems:
1. Getting RunInUAE to boot from a HD image.
2. Getting it's E-UAE to provide (& use) Picasso96 screenmodes.

For problem 1:

I was definitely able to get RunInUAE to boot from a HD image in the past, just make sure that you are editing the ".uaerc_RunInUAE" config file for this aspect. Here's the line that worked for me in the past:

(But if that ",1," at the end is HD priority, then increasing it to ",2," might help in some situations.)

However, I must warn you that when *I* tried it, I found that Workbench took FOREVER to boot. Like several minutes or more, due to all the 3rd-party programs that AmiKit used... However, I have not tried this since JIT support was added to E-UAE (and RunInUAE's public release doesn't directly support JIT, although that should not stop you enabling it in E-UAE).

Also, at the time, I didn't realise that the SDL version of E-UAE was needed for Picasso96 support, so I never saw if it uses Picasso96 screenmodes.

ALSO, make sure that RunInUAE's "Shared settings/Basic workbench mode" is turned OFF.

ALSO, make sure that you do your testing using RunInUAE's "Control E-UAE/Boot Workbench" menu option. This avoids any problems that might be caused by RunInUAE trying to make E-UAE start a game.

ALSO, beware that although you can tell RunInUAE to use E-UAE at a different path (using a "Shared settings" menu option), you canNOT tell it to use a different emulated Workbench path (non-HD-image), without reinstalling RunInUAE... although this should probably not affect your usage of a HD image for booting.

ALSO, I just noticed that you have the following line in the config file:


This seems REALLY inadvisable, as you are giving E-UAE full write access to your AmigaOS*4* partition. (There ARE such things as Amiga viruses, never mind that E-UAE's write support is a bit buggy. RunInUAE defaults to read-only volumes for a reason!) It might also confuse things if E-UAE tried to boot your AmigaOS4 partition, so I'd suggest just getting rid of that line entirely.

For problem 2:

When I was trying to get Picasso96 support to work with RunInUAE's "built-in" Workbench, I found there was basically no documentation about which files were needed on the emulated Workbench side, so I was never able to get this to work. Someone told me that it *does* work, but they never explained how they got it to work. (I also didn't find out that the SDL version was needed until quite some way through my experimentations, which no doubt complicated things.)

ALSO, you need to beware of the following E-UAE config line, as it causes RunInUAE to overwrite the emulated Workbench's screenmode prefs file:


It *appears* this is only used in the ".uaerc" config file, but it is used by ALL emulation modes of RunInUAE.

While adding (say) "#Disabled!" (no quotes) at the begining of this line OUGHT to comment it out, I'm not 100% sure without looking at RunInUAE's code, so it would be simplest to just delete this line outright.

FINALLY, please do let me know how you get on with this. I always wanted to add Picasso96 screenmode support to RunInUAE. If you get further than I did, then that might be helpful.

Edited by ChrisH on 2017/8/19 19:29:45
Edited by ChrisH on 2017/8/19 19:31:11
Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: a SDL version or E-UAE/RuninUAE question
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Also many bad scripted install scrips will put stuff to DH0, so stuff might end up in:

DH0:Libs instead of SYS:LIBS, and things like that.

If did it I change that line to:



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Re: a SDL version or E-UAE/RuninUAE question
Quite a regular
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My X5000 with euae jit sld running
image click here

X5000/40 16GB
RasperryPi 1-2-3-4-(5)
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Re: a SDL version or E-UAE/RuninUAE question
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Could you give us your UAE configuration?



AmigaOne X5000 OS4.1 FEU1 And Lubuntu 10.04
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Re: a SDL version or E-UAE/RuninUAE question
Just popping in
Just popping in

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thanks for the info, and yes I have noticed the line in the RunInUAE config


As you have advised this is overwriting any config I am guessing this is what is causing the higher screenmodes not to save.

I will have a look at this further when I get a chance later this week and report back


the screenshot is nice and is what I am wanting to acheieve when I load up E-UAE, question is do your runinUAE settings work with your set up to show this config and as per RibDevil's request would you mind sharing with us your config file?

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Re: a SDL version or E-UAE/RuninUAE question
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Just popping in

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I have managed to play around again this morning and the good news is that I am getting somewhere, i think.....

First of all here is my updated .uaerc config file
# Example UAE configuration
# Lines beginning with a '#' are comments

# Path to file containing Kickstart ROM image

# If you have an encrypted ROM image from Amiga forever,
# this is a path to the key file

# Default path where floppy disk images may be found



# Enable floppy drives 2 & 3

# Joystick port emulation; none, mouse, joy0, joy1, kbd1, kbd2, kbd3

# CPU type to emulate
# CPU compatibility (true is slower)
# CPU emulation speed
# real = approx A500 speed. max = CPU emulation will run as fast as it can

# Amiga chipset to emulate
# Can be ocs, ecs or aga
# Collision detection; none, sprites, playfields, full

# Amount of chip memory to emulate
# in multiples of 512K. Thus chipmem=4 is 2MB

# Amount of fast memory to emulate in MB

# Sound output; none, interrupts, normal, exact

# Sound channels; mono, stereo, mixed

# Frequency of emulated sound output in Hz

# Sound buffer size; max_buffer is in bytes (obsolete), latency is in ms

# Prompt for screen mode to use; public, custom, ask


# Don't dither

# Set frame skipping (1=show all frames, 2=show every 2nd frame, 3=show every 3rd frame, etc)

# Display settings

# Miscellaneous

Here is also my updated runinUAE config file

# UAE config for RunInUAE, which is designed to modify an existing working UAE config

# Use 3.1 Kickstart for Workbench, but allow ADF-booted games to still use an older Kickstart

# Emulate an A1200, but still allow A500 emulation for ADF-booted games


# Emulate an expanded A1200 with 8MB of Fast Ram!



# Set frame skipping (1=show all frames, 2=show every 2nd frame, 3=show every 3rd frame, etc)

# Add floppy disk which can be used for saving games


First of all your suggestion to remove the following line whilst sound advice, means that if i remove this, runinUAE will not work


So with the above config file I am now able to open up a game in this case it is Adams Family which is located on my DH2 games partition.

Now when i click on this i get the following RuninUAE message

Adding missing "uae_Rcli" line to "AmigaOS4.1:EUAE/S/User-Startup

I then click ok and get the following Error message

Error: Failed to update "AmigaOS4.1:EUAE/S/User-Startup

I click on OK and it then boots from my hardfile AmiSYS4 and then into workbench and allows me to select Picasso 96 screenmodes

However once the Workbench loads up it does not load into the actual game.


Is this error Failed to update "AmigaOS4.1:EUAE/S/User-Startup appearing because I am using a hardfile?

I later tried to add the following to the user-startup within the AmiSYS hardfile to see if this made a difference and it didnt Run <>Nil: C:uae_rcli

I have also tried to amend the RuninUAE options to run in faster workbench mode and this doesnt load into AmiSYS4's workbench any quicker, nor will it allow me to launch the game automatically. It should be noted that as per your original advice, this is sluggish to load into Amisys4 but I am attributing this to the bloatware that AmiSYS4 has to load up at the start.

Anyone else's thoughts would be most welcome too

Amigaone X5000 AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 1
Radeon RX 550 Polaris
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Re: a SDL version or E-UAE/RuninUAE question
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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No problem. just is need to wait monday because im not at home.

X5000/40 16GB
RasperryPi 1-2-3-4-(5)
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Re: a SDL version or E-UAE/RuninUAE question
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Just popping in

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I now have a the JIT SDL version of RuninUAE with a 3.9 Workbench and Picasso 96 mode.

Basically this involved doing away with the hardfile option creating a new folder.

Place the SDL E-UAE version into this folder
Place the rom key, kick.rom (3.1 version renamed as kick.rom)
Place a .uaerc file into this folder if you feel like for ease of set up use this one as this will replicate a 68040 machine

# Example UAE configuration
# Lines beginning with a '#' are comments

# Path to file containing Kickstart ROM image

# If you have an encrypted ROM image from Amiga forever,
# this is a path to the key file

# Default path where floppy disk images may be found



# Enable floppy drives 2 & 3

# Joystick port emulation; none, mouse, joy0, joy1, kbd1, kbd2, kbd3

# CPU type to emulate
# CPU compatibility (true is slower)
# CPU emulation speed
# real = approx A500 speed. max = CPU emulation will run as fast as it can

# Amiga chipset to emulate
# Can be ocs, ecs or aga
# Collision detection; none, sprites, playfields, full

# Amount of chip memory to emulate
# in multiples of 512K. Thus chipmem=4 is 2MB

# Amount of fast memory to emulate in MB

# Sound output; none, interrupts, normal, exact

# Sound channels; mono, stereo, mixed

# Frequency of emulated sound output in Hz

# Sound buffer size; max_buffer is in bytes (obsolete), latency is in ms

# Prompt for screen mode to use; public, custom, ask


# Don't dither

# Set frame skipping (1=show all frames, 2=show every 2nd frame, 3=show every 3rd frame, etc)

# Display settings

# Miscellaneous


Then create a folder where your Amiga OS3.9 installation will be going into. in my case this was DH0:EUAE/AmigaOS3.9

Install AmigaOS3.9 into this new folder then reboot once done

Run EUAE and you will find it loads into 3.9 mode

Install Picasso96 and then reboot once done.Make sure you install the UAEGFX driver here

Run EUAE and you will then find the UAEGFX resolutions for which this will go up to 1920x1080

Then do a fresh new install or RuninUAE. You will need to make sure you use this version.


Make sure you do not ask it to replace the current version of E-UAE, nor do you want it to amend your existing .uaerc config file

You will however want it to create a new RuninUAE and CD32 config files.

Where is asks if you want to reuse an existing Amiga 3.X installation click yes here and point this to the AmigaOS3.9 folder

Once reinstalled and rebooted open up the .runinuaerc config file. You may want to then amend this to similar to how I have done it bearing in mind that if you have created the EUAE folder on a different partition this will need to be amended.

# UAE config for RunInUAE, which is designed to modify an existing working UAE config

# Use 3.1 Kickstart for Workbench, but allow ADF-booted games to still use an older Kickstart

# Emulate an A1200, but still allow A500 emulation for ADF-booted games


# Emulate an expanded A1200 with 8MB of Fast Ram!



# Set frame skipping (1=show all frames, 2=show every 2nd frame, 3=show every 3rd frame, etc)

# Add floppy disk which can be used for saving games

# Filesystem settings for virtual devicesfilesystem2=rw,DH0:System:AmigaOS4.1:EUAE/AmigaOS3.9,1


filesystem2=rw,RAM Disk2_:RAM Disk2:RAM Disk:,-1

Lastly in the RuninUAE menu, you need to ensure that the Workbench preferences tab is ticked as without it you get an error message:
EXCEPTION: " EMU"; cHostFile.open(); filePath is invalid.
Please report this bug to the program author! (cshandley@gmail.com)

Games now load via RuninUAE which is great and at a higher screen resolution too Gloom I have to say looks a lot better!

I will try and do a step by step guide and screenshots over the coming days for those having trouble with the above instructions.

Amigaone X5000 AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 1
Radeon RX 550 Polaris
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Re: a SDL version or E-UAE/RuninUAE question
Home away from home
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Many thanks for your description. I will look at doing this myself *at some point* (sadly not likely to be any time soon), and then hopefully releasing a new version RunInUAE with this built-in...

I do however have a couple of questions:

Install AmigaOS3.9 into this new folder then reboot once done

Why did you install OS3.9, rather than use RunInUAE's existing OS3.1 installation?

Install Picasso96 and then reboot once done.Make sure you install the UAEGFX driver here

What is the URL of the web page you downloaded Picasso96 from? (Previously I had tried to manually install the needed P96 files, without much success.)

Also, where did you get the "UaeGfx" file from?

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: a SDL version or E-UAE/RuninUAE question
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I installed 3.9 as personally i like the look of 3.9, also there are some cool backdrops i wanted to use that come with 3.9

As for the Picasso 96 version i used then one which was linked under this guide


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Re: a SDL version or E-UAE/RuninUAE question
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Thanks, now I have a good looking old 3.9 Wb and it's fast.

I copy all the 3.X directory from my amiga forever install, and works fine. I only had to delete one line in startup-sequence.


The next step it's RuninUAE. when finished I upload some photos.


AmigaOne X5000 OS4.1 FEU1 And Lubuntu 10.04
1200 towered with Blizzard PPC - BVision and Mediator
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Re: a SDL version or E-UAE/RuninUAE question
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I make some test with emulators.

This my X5000 running UAE (WB3.9), FPSE and SNesX.

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbi ... 6524519157&type=3&theater

AmigaOne X5000 OS4.1 FEU1 And Lubuntu 10.04
1200 towered with Blizzard PPC - BVision and Mediator
And a new fantastic Chameleon64
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Re: a SDL version or E-UAE/RuninUAE question
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me alegro mucho que hayas conseguido instalar la version 3.9

anyway back to English!
For those interested in doing some optimizing of their classic mode setup on Amiga OS4.1 in particular Picasso 96 screen modes you may be interested in today's blog post but it basically covers the above with some screenshots

AmigaX5000 Blog

Amigaone X5000 AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 1
Radeon RX 550 Polaris
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Re: a SDL version or E-UAE/RuninUAE question
Home away from home
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Adding to @ChrisH's question...is the "UAEGfx" included?
If not, where to get it?

I'm in the process of doing your steps to reinstall RuninUAE.


It was fun while it lasted...

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Re: a SDL version or E-UAE/RuninUAE question
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Re: a SDL version or E-UAE/RuninUAE question
Home away from home
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I don't have time to look at your Blog article closely, but I did notice a problem:

The configuration file for E-UAE that comes as standard with Amiga OS4.1 Final Edition is is set up for running an Amiga 500 classic set up  as standard, so as we want to re-create a 68040 based machine machine the next step is to play around with the .uaerc config file.

You are correct about the purpose of the .uaerc file, but you are INcorrect about needing to change it. RunInUAE *already* comes with a second config file (.uaerc_RunInUAE), whose almost sole purpose is to modify it (the first config file) to boot as a 68040 AGA Amiga.

By doing what you propose (changing the .uaerc to 040) you are removing the ability for RunInUAE to provide good A500 game compatibility (when booting floppy disk ADF images).

Also, the second config file will override the first one, so some changes to the first will have no effect, while RunInUAE will continue to modify the second for many settings (via it's menus) leading to all sorts of confusion if you try to manually edit the config files.

edit: Most likely there is no reason for you to be editing the ".uaerc" file at all, and the only (probably very few) changes needed should be made to the ".uaerc_RunInUAE" file.

Edited by ChrisH on 2017/8/28 10:46:27
Edited by ChrisH on 2017/8/28 10:47:03
Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: a SDL version or E-UAE/RuninUAE question
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Just popping in

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UAEGFX is found with Picasso 96.lha file, I have provided a download link to this in the file.

Please also take note of the points I have made with the Picasso 96 installation as it is a bit of a pain in the backside to install.

@Chris H

Thanks for the explanation here, although it is seldom that i tend to run software from an adf file as prefer to have the speedier WHDLoad installs where possible

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Re: a SDL version or E-UAE/RuninUAE question
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I finally managed to get a good configuration with E-UAE now the workbench works well.
Before, only demos and games with whdload in "fast" mode worked
My question is as follows:
Is it possible to have multiple instances with E-UAE?
I tried to move E-UAE in to the Work directory:
changing the paths of the hd, but it always seems to read the configuration in SYS: Emulators /

in practice I would like to launch E-UAE twice at the same time with two different configurations.
It's possible to do it?
What files can I configure?
Thanks for any suggestions, I really like using AmigaOS 4.1FE

here the video if it can help:

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I see light, lots of light
I see you, dad
And I see mommy too
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