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: Today 15:00
From Adelaide, Australia
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The SDK releases have the .so binaries. Just copy the .so into the same directory as the program executable (best to leave sobjs: alone).
There may be issues if a program was compiled a long time ago and the libraries on OS4Depot are newer with different filenames, hence I prefer to link everything statically when I port programs and games.
I see that libSDL_ttf.so may be an issue there. SDL_ttf relies on freetype, but the newer SDL_ttf has a different library name, and freetype probably does too. Sometimes you can get away with making a copy of the newer library and naming it the same name as the older one, if the API itself hasn't changed, although that's obviously not ideal.
Also be aware that any .so may itself have dependencies. Unfortunately OS4 will crash if dependencies are missing, but fortunately it will tell you which one it needed. You can read the .so in a text editor and near the beginning of the file, you can see which other ones it references. I'm pretty sure there's a more "proper" way to do that :)
Also, I think you meant libsmpeg, not libmpeg,
May be easier to re-compile Lunaroid.