Yes, you're correct, as originally written/instructed (and I'll update this guide to reflect what I'm about to say next), the adtools git repository, by default, downloads the AmigaOS4 SDK v.53.24.
Not altogether sure why it doesn't just pull down SDK v53.30 which you can get publicly from Hyperion.
Upcoming, later this week at AmiWest I hope, is the latest adtools/SDK from Hyperion.
Regardless, I'll push a simple update to the originating post of this topic showing how to download/install any OS4.x SDK from version 53.30 and up to update the SDK that gets installed into the adtools chain.
In the meantime, until I update the originating post, here's the quick lowdown:
Download the Amiga OS4.1FE v53.30 SDK lha file from Hyperion.
http://hyperion-entertainment.biz/ind ... nload&layout=form&file=82For this purpose I assume you'll be downloading the file "SDK_53.30.lha" and that it'll be downloaded to your Windows user's "Downloads" directory, aka "~/Downloads", as seen from your Cygwin or UWin bash shell. It doesn't really matter where you download that 53.30 lha file to, just note where it is, as seen by your Cygwin/UWin bash command line.
For UWin you may need to "sudo" the following commands, in Cygwin, you don't
In your Cygwin/UWin bash shell, rename the current SDK directory to reflect the version it's currently pointing to. For example:
"mv /usr/local/amiga/adtools/ppc-amigaos/SDK /usr/local/amiga/adtools/ppc-amigaos/SDK_5324"
Then, "mkdir /usr/local/amiga/adtools/ppc-amigaos/SDK_5330"
Then, pull out the following sub-archives from the v53.30 SDK archive package: base.lha, clib2-1.206.lha, and newlib-53.30.lha. Doesn't matter if you're using the Windows command-line lha command to do your .lha maniuplation, or if you're using some Windows archive software like Winzip that can extract lha's. These tips assume you're using the command-line lha utility.
For the remaining steps, I assume those 3 sub-archives are now found in the ~/Downloads directory.
Then, assuming you're using the Windows command-line version of lha, again from your UWin/Cygwin bash shell:
"cd /usr/local/amiga/adtools/ppc-amigaos/SDK_5330"
"lha -x ~/Downloads/base.lha"
"mv Include include" (changing the Uppercase Include to lowercase include).
"lha -x ~/Downloads/clib2-1.206.lha"
"lha -x ~/Downloads/newlib-53.30.lha"
"cd .."
"ln -s SDK_5330 SDK"
Repeat this every time you update your SDK, changing these instructions to reflect the version numbers of the various directories and archives as appropriate.
After doing this, anytime you want to use a particular version of the SDK to compile against, delete and then create anew your "SDK" symlink as needed.
I'm awaiting the next SDK release before I finalize these instructions and add them back to the original post.
Edited by stonecracker on 2017/10/18 5:57:29
Edited by stonecracker on 2017/10/18 5:59:45