Ths 12th edition of the Alchimie event is nearly there. It will take place in Tain l'Hermitage in France (near Valence).
With a total of 180 attenders (maximum authorized), this edition will for sure be a really fun event.
Some cool people will also be there : Alain Thellier (WaZp3D, NOVA experimenations, ...) , Crisot (with a Classic demo this year), HunoPPC (he should show us a new game), Elwood (who will talk about the Portable PPC), Guibrush (Vampire team with many thing to show),...
Of course Relec and Amedia will be there too !
Many things will be shown : from Classic Amiga systems to NG ones, Arcade games, Amstrad computers, Atari computers, retrogaming and so on...
And a demo party will also be organized and this year, many good things should come from Atari and Amstrad world. Let's hope Amigans will cope with good quality presentations too
There won't be live stream but some webcams will be installed for anyone willing to see the event