Latest OS4depot version running great here on X1000. I have a very taxing fullHD x.264 MP4 of Ex Machina that no previous player could keep A/V sync with.
If "lavdopts=skiploopfilter=all:skipframe=noref" is activated in the conf file, you'll be able to play it of course but quality will be ugly.
Except if you have very big def videos, this option should be commented otherwise you won't get optimal quality (and you'll think MPlayer is faster than it really is).
"noref" is actually a typo. I corrected it in the config in 1.0.1, it's supposed to be "nonref" and skips more frames.
It's quite possible that the reason it's keeping up is because of skiploopfilter=all which degrades the quality of the video a bit. Thanks for your compliment though :)
Any example videos I can try? Do you use playlists at all?
I know of 2 types of distortion issues. One is when switching between audio formats from FLOAT_BE to something else if you're using a playlist or specifying 2 or more files on the command line. The other is just when the audio plays too loud. If it's mp3 audio, try -ac ffmp3float.
Edited by MickJT on 2018/1/6 7:39:49 Edited by MickJT on 2018/1/6 14:51:59
You can use the 9 and 0 keys to change the volume level, if you have input.conf in the conf directory.
I'm assuming you mean the audio is clipping, and that's what you mean by distorted.
I played the 640x360 MP4 video and hear audio clipping. It seems like it happens only when using FLOAT_BE output in AHI. Changing the audio levels in AHI or MPlayer itself doesn't have any effect. I will need to investigate. LiveForIt-MPlayer doesn't natively play this output to AHI, but converts it to a different format while playing back. The ahi_dev2 I'm using is from Kjetil but it's still experimental.
Edit: Can you try with -softvol -volume 50 (and other volume levels with softvol enabled) and tell me if that "fixes" the issue?
Edited by MickJT on 2018/1/6 14:24:34 Edited by MickJT on 2018/1/6 14:42:57 Edited by MickJT on 2018/1/6 14:51:08
I think its scale factor, I need have look at code again I think.
on line 61 it inserts muls, using register 1. question now is where is register 1 one set. my guess its done in start of the code.
#define dRT (RT == 1 ? 0 : RT),(RT == 1 ? 0 : RT)
dRT replaces register 1 with register 0, PowerPC normal takes 3 arguments,
normally format is INSTRUCTION DST,INDEX,SRC
maybe the last part of dRT is wrong, maybe it should have been a index. but we need to lookup etch individual powerpc instruction to see, sadly I did not make comment in .h file, anyway as long as loaded and saved in same location it should not be a problem.
Look at this macro I wonder if Multiplications might be hardcoded into macro it self.
Edited by LiveForIt on 2018/1/6 15:52:09 Edited by LiveForIt on 2018/1/7 8:49:44 Edited by LiveForIt on 2018/1/7 8:55:38 Edited by LiveForIt on 2018/1/7 8:56:59 Edited by LiveForIt on 2018/1/7 8:57:42 Edited by LiveForIt on 2018/1/7 8:59:32 Edited by LiveForIt on 2018/1/7 9:01:29 Edited by LiveForIt on 2018/1/7 9:05:08 Edited by LiveForIt on 2018/1/7 9:06:23 Edited by LiveForIt on 2018/1/7 9:08:03
Basilisk II for AmigaOS4 AmigaInputAnywhere Excalibur and other tools and apps.
Thanks for the explanation. That explains the even worse distortion if I disable the JIT function entirely. A hack to decrease the volume in software would work, but it seems a little crude to do that. I'm clueless about how the AHI & JIT code works, so I'm not the right person to modify that code directly.
It's been pointed out to me that 1.0.1 is not an Amiga version number. The whole reason I called the first release "1.0" was to have a compliant version string. It slipped my mind. I'll retroactively call 1.0.1, 1.1, and the next version can be 1.2. Sorry about that everyone :)