Just can't stay away
Joined: 2009/2/9 19:32 Last Login
: 2020/12/21 15:57
From Brussels Belgium
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I was able to completely mix up my folders and foldergroupstructure as refelcted in the .folders file. As it was a lengthy structure i wanted to make it more hiërarchical using the normal copy& paste MUI interface. I got however strange copy effect that seem not easy to undo. Is doing it manuaaly possible?
What do the hexadecimal figures refer to as in this piece ?
YFO3 - YAM Folders @FOLDER Incoming Incoming d72f3de2 @ENDFOLDER @FOLDER Sent Sent d7b374f5 @ENDFOLDER @FOLDER YAM8Problems YAM8Problems 5aabaf0a @ENDFOLDER @FOLDER Test3 Test3 d40e38c2 @ENDFOLDER