Hi, pjs
I solved
I'm sorry, it took time and thanks for your patience
this is the script that works:
/ * YouTube URL extractor * / Ver = "v1.5"
/ * Default settings * /
Embed = "0" / * Request content as an embedded video by default? 0/1 * /
HTML = "0" / * Generate HTML page and open browser? 0/1 * /
Login = "0" / * Login to your YouTube account? 0/1 * /
Debug = "0" / * Write debug output to T: YT-Debug.log? 0/1 * /
AutoPlay = "1" / * Automatically stream videos in mplayer / ffplay? 0/1 * /
SkipDASH = "0" / * Skip processing of DASH links. 0/1 * /
Captions = "1" / * Display list of captions? Console mode only. 0/1 * /
CapLang = "" / * Caption language for autoplay. Blank for none. See docs. * /
CapTrans = "" / * Translate captions to this language. See docs. * /
Browser = "" / * Default browser: Odyssey / IBrowse / AWeb / NetSurf. * /
ScanLimit = "10" / * Maximum amount of videos links to scan. * /
UsePipe = "0" / * HTTPS Streams to MPlayer via STDOUT / STDIN * /
TagOrder = "18" / * MP4 720p / 360p, FLV 240p * /
PathMP = "APPDIR: Work: MickjT-Mplayer / mplayer-nonaltivec" / * Full path to MPlayer executable * /
PathFP = "APPDIR: ffplay" / * Full path to FFplay executable * /
ArgsMP = "- quiet -really-quiet -vo sdl" / * Optional parameters for mplayer * /
ArgsFP = "- loglevel quiet -infbuf" / * Optional parameters for ffplay * /
/ * End of settings * /
the wrong line was this:
ArgsMP = "- vo sdl" / * Optional parameters for mplayer * /
the right one is this:
ArgsMP = "- quiet -really-quiet -vo sdl" / * Optional parameters for mplayer * /
In odyssey:
c: rx data:YT / YT.rexx % l silent autoplay
Thanks again for your suggestions and your patience!
And thanks to mickjT for this job really well done!