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Simplemail duplicate folders
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Lately I've been getting duplicate folders showing up in Simplemail when I log on to get messages. (It's an IMAP account) This is especially true for "Sent" and "Trash" folders. I've had as many as 4 "Sent" folders at one time. The contents appear to be identical. But if I highlight the folder and try to delete it, nothing happens. Any ideas on how to straihgten this out short of removing and reinstalling Simplemail and losing my emails?


Builder of Frankenthousand The monster A1000
The Young Frankenthousand A1-XE G4
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Re: Simplemail duplicate folders
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Hi Paul, I use SimpleMail too with a Gmail account (Imap) and I haven't this problem.. what version of SimpleMail are you using?

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Re: Simplemail duplicate folders SOLVED
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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0.44. Since it's an IMAP account, I went ahead and reinstalled Simplemail and it synced my folders without error.

I just saved my old Simplemail folder with a new name, so that all the old emails I had with an old POP3 account are still there as an archive if I need to look at any of them. I should have thought of that right away.

One problem I still have is trying to delete a mail from the IMAP account. In order to delete anything from "Trash" I first have to drag it to "Deleted" before it will allow me to highlight it and then delete it. Is this normal Simplemail behavior for IMAP?


Builder of Frankenthousand The monster A1000
The Young Frankenthousand A1-XE G4
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Re: Simplemail duplicate folders
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Hi Paul,
sorry for the late reply.. When i want to delete some email from gmail account (traschan, sent or whatever drawer i have in gmail account) I simply select it and then I chose 'delete'. Near the email then appear a small traschan icon and after some time the email is deleted..

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Re: Simplemail duplicate folders SOLVED
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I guess it works the same way as it would work if you are directly at the ISP's site. (Taken from my ISP's site)

If you delete something from any drawer BUT "trash" it will be dragged into "trash".
This "trash" now (normally) has a setting on how long it should hold the emails back (1 day, three days, whatever) before deleting.

Probably some kind of "panic" resolve if one deletes something by accident.


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Re: Simplemail duplicate folders SOLVED
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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This "trash" now (normally) has a setting on how long it should hold the emails back (1 day, three days, whatever) before deleting.

Ahh, thanks Raziel.


Builder of Frankenthousand The monster A1000
The Young Frankenthousand A1-XE G4
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