On formatting a floppy disk (yes, people still do that) there is a pie chart filling up track for track on formatting.
The text window beside that pie chart however will be stuck on track 1 without being updated. Only three times (if all goes well) while the formatting takes place this window gets updated. When it reaches track 29, track 56 and finally track 79.
Why is the pie chart updated, but not the text window beside that? It looks as if the whole program has crashed or is otherwise broken wasn't it for the pie chart.
And, please can the colouring of the pie chart be made into an option? It looks awful.
@Raziel I reported that bug with multiedit year or two ago, as i use silvergreen theme which have non default fonts, but if i remember right Andy told its bug in os (some class or so). So.. our only hope its that he can made workaround for..
The issue is with the texteditor.gadget when using default font, ie no custom font has been set.
When test is clicked editor rerenders with the new font, but as soons as any editing occurs is reverts to the system font. Clicking in the window willresult in patches of text reverting, but typing any character or pressing an arrow key reverts the entire
The work arround is trivial, set a custom font in the multiedit settings, you will generally want to do this anyway to ensure you are working with fix width font.
NotePad doesn't seeme to suffer from this as I suspect always sets a custom font for it's texteditor.gadtet and thus ignores the GUI prefs chnage completely.
Probably could do with a BZ against texteditor.gadget
@Andy If i remember right, year ago we end up with same (ie bz for texteditor.gadget). I do no remember if it was created or not, but as i on beta, and have that issue still, then probably not..
We need our own version of TextEditor GC then we can fix bugs, beta test them and get them out to end users quickly through Updater tool. Waiting years for bug fixes in not ideal.
Just rasing the BZ doesn't fix the bug, but does mean is doesn't get forgotten.
I raise lots bug reports for os4's classes and gadgets, none of which was fixed or taking in account, or even readed i assume. Making another one while no developer willing to fix it, will make it collect dust as other ones :) But i will do in sake of little hope..
Reimplementing of something what done in the OS already, not only it will be waste of resources, but it will have new bugs, which will have needs to be found, fixed and co, which mean twice more time. Like it with any other small tool Enhancer replace from original, which all have their new issues there and there.
For example those cosmetic ones for time prefs from Enhancer BZ does not fixed for year or more:
Sure, there are always bugs in new software to find and fix. The important thing is *we* have the ability to fix them and then get the fixes out to end-users in a timely manner. The gadgets and classes in the Enhancer Software have matured nicely over the last 18 months and they are now useful building blocks of software. Its a one time job to create them and then a low amount of work to maintain them.
When you are reliant on a third-party's code base, then it can hold back the software development that you are working on if it contains bugs or lacks features you need.
Easy to register, and worth of it, as then you can follow the bug-report, discuss it, attach things, ask-answer questsions, and to see if it taking in account at all and by who and when. In forum its luckyly to be forgotten.