A question on another thread asked if I would consider changing the paint pointer to cross hair. Well I can kind of like having the pointer directly reflect the tool in use but here's how to chnage it yourself.....
Got to the themes drawer.
Backup then open the Theme.xml you are using in a text editor. (Check in the Menu->Settings->Edit... if you are not sure which is in use).
Look for the line that looks like
<image name="PaintTool_Mouse" file="SketchPath:Themes/KS/paint.png" x="0" y="23" />
Edit the 'file' attribute to point to a suitable cross hair mouse image (a 32bit file up 64pixels square) and the 'x' and 'y' to point the active point of the image (probably the centre of the cross hair) with the origin in the top left corner.
Save the file.
Start or restart sketchblock.
Eh voila!