Posted By HunoPPC
I work on Second EGL_wrap AOS4 Version rtcw SP 1.51c:
New features =>
* All cvars-news on this engine :
### Console
#### New cvars
* cg_fixedAspect ( 0 ) - Use aspect corrected HUD/UI ( 0 = Off, 1 = 4:3 style, 2 = Widescreen style )
* cg_fixedAspectFOV ( 1 ) - Use aspect correct FOV when using cg_fixedAspect cvar ( 0 = Off - Use cg_fov, 1 = Automatic FOV based on resolution )
* cl_autoRecordDemo ( 0 ) - record a new demo on each map change
* cl_aviFrameRate ( 25 )- the framerate to use when capturing video
* cl_aviMotionJpeg ( 1 ) - use the mjpeg codec when capturing video
* cl_guidServerUniq ( 1 ) - makes cl_guid unique for each server
* cl_cURLLib - filename of cURL library to load
* cl_consoleKeys - space delimited list of key names or characters that toggle the console
* cl_mouseAccelStyle ( 0 )- Set to 1 for QuakeLive mouse acceleration behaviour, 0 for standard
* cl_mouseAccelOffset ( 5 ) - Tuning the acceleration curve, see below
* con_autochat ( 1 ) - Set to 0 to disable sending console input text as chat when there is not a slash at the beginning
* con_autoclear ( 1 ) - Set to 0 to disable clearing console input text when console is closed
* in_availableJoysticks - list of available Joysticks
* in_keyboardDebug - print keyboard debug info
* j_forward - Joystick analogue to m_forward, for forward movement speed/direction.
* j_side - Joystick analogue to m_side, for side movement speed/direction.
* j_up - Joystick up movement speed/direction.
* j_pitch - Joystick analogue to m_pitch, for pitch rotation speed/direction.
* j_yaw - Joystick analogue to m_yaw, for yaw rotation speed/direction.
* j_forward_axis - Selects which joystick axis controls forward/back.
* j_side_axis - Selects which joystick axis controls left/right.
* j_up_axis - Selects which joystick axis controls up/down.
* j_pitch_axis - Selects which joystick axis controls pitch.
* j_yaw_axis - Selects which joystick axis controls yaw.
* s_useOpenAL ( 1 ) - use the OpenAL sound backend if available
* s_alPrecache ( 1 ) - cache OpenAL sounds before use
* s_alGain ( 1.0 ) - the value of AL_GAIN for each source
* s_alSources ( 128 ) - the total number of sources to allocate
* s_alDopplerFactor ( 1.0 ) - the value passed to alDopplerFactor
* s_alDopplerSpeed ( 9000 ) - the value passed to alDopplerVelocity
* s_alMinDistance ( 128 ) - the value of AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE for each source
* s_alMaxDistance ( 1024 )- the maximum distance before sounds starts to become inaudible.
* s_alRolloff ( 2 ) - the value of AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR for each source
* s_alGraceDistance ( 512 ) - after having passed MaxDistance, length until sounds are completely inaudible
* s_alDriver - which OpenAL library to use
* s_alDevice - which OpenAL device to use
* s_alAvailableDevices - list of available OpenAL devices
* s_alInputDevice - which OpenAL input device to use
* s_alAvailableInputDevices - list of available OpenAL input devices
* s_sdlBits - SDL bit resolution
* s_sdlSpeed - SDL sample rate
* s_sdlChannels - SDL number of channels
* s_sdlDevSamps - SDL DMA buffer size override
* s_sdlMixSamps - SDL mix buffer size override
* s_backend - read only, indicates the current sound backend
* s_muteWhenMinimized - mute sound when minimized
* s_muteWhenUnfocused - mute sound when window is unfocused
* sv_dlRate - bandwidth allotted to PK3 file downloads via UDP, in kbyte/s
* sv_dlURL - the base of the HTTP or FTP site that holds custom pk3 files for your server
* com_ansiColor - enable use of ANSI escape codes in the terminal
* com_altivec - enable use of altivec on PowerPC systems
* com_standalone (read only) - If set to 1, RTCW is running in standalone mode
* com_basegame - Use a different base than main. If no original RTCW pak files are found, this will enable running in standalone mode
* com_homepath - Specify name that is to be appended to the home path
* com_legacyprotocol - Specify protocol version number for legacy RTCW 1.4 protocol, see "Network protocols" section below (startup only)
* com_legacyversion - Use vanilla RTCW 1.41 version string for game server browser visibility
* com_maxfpsUnfocused - Maximum frames per second when unfocused
* com_maxfpsMinimized - Maximum frames per second when minimized
* com_busyWait - Will use a busy loop to wait for rendering next frame when set to non-zero value
* com_pipefile - Specify filename to create a named pipe through which other processes can control the server while it is running. ( Nonfunctional on Windows. )
* com_gamename - Gamename sent to master server in getservers[Ext] query and infoResponse "gamename" infostring value. Also used for filtering local network games.
* com_protocol - Specify protocol version number for current iortcw protocol, see "Network protocols" section below (startup only)
* sv_banFile - Name of the file that is used for storing the server bans
* net_ip6 - IPv6 address to bind to
* net_port6 - port to bind to using the ipv6 address
* net_mcast6addr - multicast address to use for scanning for IPv6 servers on the local network
* net_mcastiface - outgoing interface to use for scan
* net_enabled - enable networking, bitmask. Add up number for option to enable it:
Enable IPv4 networking: 1
Enable IPv6 networking: 2
Prioritize IPv6 over IPv4: 4
Disable multicast support: 8
* r_allowResize - make window resizable
* r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic - anisotropic texture filtering
* r_zProj - distance of observer camera to projection plane in quake3 standard units
* r_greyscale - desaturate textures, useful for anaglyph, supports values in the range of 0 to 1
* r_stereoEnabled - enable stereo rendering for techniques like shutter glasses (untested)
* r_anaglyphMode - Enable rendering of anaglyph images
red-cyan glasses: 1
red-blue: 2
red-green: 3
green-magenta: 4
To swap the colors for left and right eye just add 4 to the value for the wanted color combination. For red-blue and red-green you probably want to enable r_greyscale
* r_stereoSeparation - Control eye separation. Resulting separation is r_zProj divided by this value in quake3 standard units. See also for more information
* r_marksOnTriangleMeshes - Support impact marks on md3 models, MOD developers should increase the mark triangle limits in cg_marks.c if they intend to use this.
* r_sdlDriver - read only, indicates the SDL driver backend being used
* r_noborder - Remove window decoration from window managers, like borders and titlebar.
* r_screenshotJpegQuality - Controls quality of jpeg screenshots captured using screenshotJPEG
* r_aviMotionJpegQuality - Controls quality of video capture when cl_aviMotionJpeg is enabled
* r_mode -2 - This new video mode automatically uses the desktop resolution.
#### New commands
* video [filename]- start video capture (use with demo command)
* stopvideo - stop video capture
* stopmusic - stop background music
* minimize - Minimize the game and show desktop
* togglemenu - causes escape key event for opening/closing menu, or going to a previous menu. works in binds, even in UI
* print - print out the contents of a cvar
* unset - unset a user created cvar
* banaddr ( range ) - ban an IP address range from joining a game on this server, valid ( range ) is either playernum or CIDR notation address range.
* exceptaddr ( range ) - exempt an IP address range from a ban.
* bandel ( range ) - delete ban (either range or ban number)
* exceptdel ( range ) - delete exception (either range or exception number)
* listbans - list all currently active bans and exceptions
* rehashbans - reload the banlist from serverbans.dat
* flushbans - delete all bans
* net_restart - restart network subsystem to change latched settings
* game_restart ( fs_game ) - Switch to another mod
* which ( filename/path ) - print out the path on disk to a loaded item
* execq ( filename ) - quiet exec command, doesn't print "execing file.cfg"
* kicknum ( client number ) - kick a client by number, same as clientkick command
* kickall - kick all clients, similar to "kick all" ( but kicks everyone even if someone is named "all" )
* kickbots - kick all bots, similar to "kick allbots" (but kicks all bots even if someone is named "allbots")
* tell ( client num ) msg - send message to a single client (new to server)
* cvar_modified [filter] - list modified cvars, can filter results (such as "r*" for renderer cvars) like cvarlist which lists all cvars
* addbot random - the bot name "random" now selects a random bot
*New renders mode:
"Mode 0: 320x240 (4:3)"
"Mode 1: 400x300 (4:3)"
"Mode 2: 512x384 (4:3)"
"Mode 3: 640x480 (4:3)"
"Mode 4: 800x600 (4:3)"
"Mode 5: 960x720 (4:3)"
"Mode 6: 1024x768 (4:3)"
"Mode 7: 1152x864 (4:3)"
"Mode 8: 1280x1024 (5:4)"
"Mode 9: 1600x1200 (4:3)"
"Mode 10: 2048x1536 (4:3)"
"Mode 11: 856x480 (16:9)"
"Mode 12: 640x360 (16:9)"
"Mode 13: 640x400 (16:10)"
"Mode 14: 800x450 (16:9)"
"Mode 15: 800x500 (16:10)"
"Mode 16: 1024x640 (16:10)"
"Mode 17: 1024x576 (16:9)"
"Mode 18: 1280x720 (16:9)"
"Mode 19: 1280x768 (16:10)"
"Mode 20: 1280x800 (16:10)"
"Mode 21: 1280x960 (4:3)"
"Mode 22: 1440x900 (16:10)"
"Mode 23: 1600x900 (16:9)"
"Mode 24: 1600x1000 (16:10)"
"Mode 25: 1680x1050 (16:10)"
"Mode 26: 1920x1080 (16:9)"
"Mode 27: 1920x1200 (16:10)"
"Mode 28: 1920x1440 (4:3)"
"Mode 29: 2560x1600 (16:10)"
*Opengles 2.0 backend with EGL_wrap and GL4es
* OpenAL sound API support (multiple speaker support and better sound quality)
* AVI video capture of demos
* Much improved console autocompletion
* Persistent console history
* Colorized terminal output
* Optional Ogg Vorbis support
* Support for various esoteric operating systems
* cl_guid support
* HTTP/FTP download redirection (using cURL)
* PNG support
And at this version is final version for Warp3D NOVA and minigl
Best regards
HunoPPC 2019
* Many, many bug fixes for your preasure