@ddni You use last version of game from BSzili's site as well as you have 100% minigl.library and mglut.library of today version ? You my try take them from my archive just to be sure you have latest ones.
@kas1e Thanks for packaging it up that way! However, I suggest to wait with uploading until we have definitely found out what's the problem with that light-saber.
@Capehill Ha, good catch ! My def_txt is set to use .txt files with multiviewer, so when i snapshot them it added like this, will fix.
Through that damn lightsaber issue , i really can't reproduce it. I tried to lower all settings, to raise all setting, middle one, enalbe/disable lights, glows, shadows , etc,etc : no bug..
@ddni Do you have by some luck maybe some environemnts for minigl sets ?
@ddni,amig_os So both of you on x1000, which in compare with x5000 have dma enabled in graphics.library and altivec. As far as i see, minigl have altivec based flags/code, maybe related somehow.. But firstly we need your configs so i can test on my.
@amig_os Can you upload your openjk.cfg too ? It placed in .openjk/base directory
@ddni Minigl have some settings controled via environments, and they placed in env:minigl/ if i remember right
Yeah, seems perfectly fine to me Aniway just to say about the archiving thing, just found the ancient 1.5.1 on Aminet and in the readme there is a part of changelog that we may include as reference also in our latest readme .. all that 1.5 and 1.5.1 changelog part perhaps may be usefull as historical reference to have aswell as the old credits related to the old mantainers of the library
@ddni @kas1e OpenJK on my X5000 SI: either crashs with a checksum error on one of the big game files (read: it manages to corupt its game file) or freezes right before entering a level. Doesn't matter which MGL version I use. From what I see it's simply not the most stable game?!
@ddni Tried your config : for me lightsaber looks blocking and with 2.20 and with 2.23 with your config. It didn't looks scretched, just a bit blocky (because in your config in MoreVideo/Brightness option it set to maximum, but slider should be on about 20%). But then i see no difference with 2.20 and 2.23 in that case.
Can you show a screenshot of how it looks like on your setup wth your config on 2.20, and then on 2.23 ?
It may freeze when you use very hight textures, or sometime freezes when you just change video settings on the fly and reapply them, but it for sure starts and i didn't have checksum erros (which probabaly can be just becaues of badly copied file, or wrong ones maybe from Jedi Outcast ?)
@all Looking on the corruption amig_os show in the Jedi, i have to say i have pretty close looking corruption in the RCTW (not latest one which works of gl4es, but old one working over minigl), when in first level i look at the blood on the floor and move a bit.
But (!) its the same and with 2.20 and with 2.23.
There is how it looks like (press open in new tab for fullscreen)
And that is with both, mgl 2.20 and 2.23. Just corruption from amig_os screenshoot looks very much like the same (?)
@kas1e The JK files I got should be okay but anyway: the last screenshot of yours looks simply like some sort of z-fighting to me. I didn't see the corupt light-saber effect in action, but could also be just z-fighting.
Can one of the guys who suffer from it please record a small video of it, moving around a bit?
@Daniel And i remember where i else see this effect: in neverball. It also happens and with 2.20 and with 2.23, and it also seems z-fighting, as it "blinks". I through can catch 2 screenshots of how it looks like, also looks pretty the same as on RCTW screenshot and as lasersaber issue in Jedi (imho), check this out (press open in new tab for fullsize):
No luck to get a video from any of you showing the bug with moving around a bit ?
Daniel think it can be very well z-buffers issues, and that they may be cause also by the fact that new minigl builded with different optimisation flags which may have impact on the floats which can cause in end z-fighting issues. So, i build 2 version of latest mgl source code
One is just the same as Daniel do, just instead of gcc 5.4.0, its 8.2.0, there is:
Plz give them a go (carefull, to be sure you not mess it up when testing, all after reboots, checking size of libs after reboot to be sure its correct one, etc).
But also in any case if one of you will made a video of bug, it will be easy to understand if it z-fighting issue or not.
At least with RCTW and Neverball z-fighting, pure -O2 build change nothing. But in case with those 2, issues was there and with 2.20 as well.
I did a briefly test also last weekend and I'd also got the same distortion, stripes in lightsaber lightening on objects, which is new and didn't appear with the prebuild one from last year. I didn't test further due to lack of time, but I've also reported some bad behaviour of the game with lastests version of minigl via BZ (graphics trashes and system crashs). Systems lockup seemed to be cause by semi transparent objects that could be shown on screen like when you use the force (around caracter's hand sometimes the glow effect is totaly trashed). If time permits, this WE I'll test it again further with the versions you posted.
@all A video of that issue would be good to see because right now I'm only guessing that it's z-fighting, seeing it in motion would help to (in)validate that.
@kas1e Back online, thanks for posting and building Let's see what those guys with that problem say to the -o2 build. On the other hand, when reading Petrols post:
@petrol The prebuild version from last year was compiled with the same compiler and the same compiler flags. If I look at the svn then the only thing that could maybe have the theoretical power to have such an impact is the new dxt lib (stuff like the extension-string bug aside, I'd say we cought all those new issues in the meantime), but IIRC we already ruled that out. What HW do you have? And please check the bugzilla for your other issues.
Edited by Daytona675x on 2019/3/20 9:40:39 Edited by Daytona675x on 2019/3/20 9:54:55