Hi Daniel, i know i already asked You about an AmiStore Release. I think it's an good Idea to push AmiStore forward and to keep good Software & Games available.
Yes, I'll ask Cope-Com what they think about it.
The physical copy is not much of a collector's edition anyway
Ahhh, no no, the contrary is true!
- the CD contains not just the AOS4 version but also OCS, MorphOS, OSX and Win32.
- all CDs are fully hand-made by Torben, he printed the inlays and covers, burned the CDs, applied the CD-covers, put it into plastic, eventually put a ribbon on it etc.
- the inlays made a long trip: Torben (Denmark) sent them to Martin (Italy), he sent them to me (Germany) and I sent them back to Torben.
Our signatures aren't printed. Three serious tennis elbows were produced during the making of the inlays
Now if
that isn't something worth collecting
Edited by Daytona675x on 2019/3/30 8:59:44