Here is how Digital Universe can automatically install 3DStars if required. This is done after the installation of the main application. I only used the log filename just an case people want to install 3DS manually, and its best to do it afterwards rather than before.
(if (= #install3DS 1)
(set @execute-dir "DU17_Install:3DStars_Install")
(run "run >nil: sys:utilities/Installer DU17_Install:3DStars_Install/Install_Me_After_DigitalUniverse APPNAME 3DStars DEFUSER EXPERT" )
(exit (quiet))
You would use something like:
(set @execute-dir 'path of folder containing the AmiSSL install')
(run "run >nil: sys:utilities/Installer 'name of AmiSSL install file' APPNAME 'AmiSSL programme name' " ) DEFUSER is optional and not necessarily needed.