Because i like how RunInUAE is integrated and how it does nearly everything automatic.
But i also like to have some freedom of choice on matters regarding volumes and/or screenmodes or the emulated hardware details.
RunInUAE is nearly perfect (i think), except that it forces me to use a WB drawer which will crash the whole system AND AmigaOS4 when writing to it (from within RunInUAE).
That may not be RunInUAE's fault, but the underlying UAE implementation...hence my question, if i can workaround it by using a completely hardfile-based RunInUAE (since this won't ever crash and is, apart from the writing speed, as fast as a filesystem2-based RunInUAE).
Oh...and i really like to mess around with stuff
But, i guess it's not possible, so back to ingnoring the error messages...