Hi, when runnign witour args from commandline, it shows an assignwedfe requester for
"stdin*\:" and "stdout*\:" .
That's because of how dumb and lazy the code is for handling stdin input and stdout output. AFAICT the code looks for files called "/*stdin*" and "/*stdout*" on Linux/Windows/MacOS as well.
Just specify explicit input and output files and it should work correctly.
To get a list of the options available use "zstd -h".
To compress the file "testfile" to "testfile.zstd" you use:
zstd testfile -o testfile.zstd
To decompress it back you use:
zstd -d testfile.zstd -o testfile
I tested with compressing and decompressing a ~665MB AVI file on my Sam460 and the MD5 sums of the original and the decompressed file did match.