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: Yesterday 14:20
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Since there is a permission from the original developers to open source the code, this should be already somewhere available, IMO, at it's original form, before the changes of OS4 and MorphOS developers. After that, if anyone wants to contribute, or create a fork, that could be possible.
After so many years keeping such code closed no newer versions and constant maintenance happened. So, I am saying that it is better to be open and let the community contribute, and decide the future of the app.
@smf To return to a shell IRC client, like the very good irssi, on a machine that influenced the GUI IRC clients, for me is no go. Even more that irssi is not available for OS3 & 4, or at least I couldn't find an available release.
Maybe you are right and we should focus on Wookiechat, which is already open sourced. But I am not sure how possible it is to make it more stable.