Really pleased to announce the release of SketchBlock Professional 3.4 the next step in my ever growing High Dynamic Range graphics painting and editing suite.
As well bring some new features this release compliments my recently release UGTablet driver (see OS4Depot) with the addition of tilt support.
New features include:
Extended path management, allowing adding deleting copying and merging paths in the same way as layers. This is complimented by some tightening up of the scriptedd in sketch GUI which gives smoother more predictable path editing. The path should no longer disappear when editing, so no need to nudge the sketch to get it to come back
Tilt support in the paint tool. Size and Colour can be controlled with the tilt of the stylus.
Editable ranges for the tilt and pressure scaling and opacaity etc giving much greater brush control
Bug fixes, including one really old but nasty one that was only spotted last release by kas1e.
All this is free to existing users of SketchBlock Professional Edition. If you thinks that's too good to be true there's a donation button on the documentation page at you've not purchased it before it's available from AmiStore for just £15.00 plus VAT or for £10.00 if upgrading from SketchBlock Lite (log in to AmiStore to see your discount) .
Have fun and stay safe!