Unfortunately I never had real hardware so my experience is based on winuae only.
some little things differ in winuae however unlike real hardware.
If you just need to complete the internet connection then I recommend using RTL8029-PCI as a "driver"
If during use you happen to have lag or other problems then you can use ethernet.device is probably more compatible with your modem-router in this case.
But I advise you to try RTL8029-PCI first
You must also enable one of the two peripherals you have available in PCI bridgebords:
Mediator or G-Rex
Mediator is generally the recommended one.
I personally use G-Rex it allows to allocate more memory in winuae.
To activate G-Rex in the startup-sequence there is a floppy.adf in the 4.1FE CD in this case if you need some advice I'm happy to help you.
As an audio driver sb128 is currently the best choice.
Paula makes the sound heard and seems to work but in reality with more advanced configurations and while using the applications you will do later you will encounter problems.
The A2065 like RTL8029 can stop working in case if you try different configurations like choosing PCI etc.
But once you have your final setup this will never happen again except in very rare cases.
I made a small video on how to connect to the internet via RTL8029-PCI is also valid for Ethernet.device the procedure is the same:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SF-Ivs0OZ_wif you have to delete your old configurations the previous advice on how to do it is valid.
I hope it is useful, I am pleased to find people who use 4.1FE with winuae, currently there are not many who use it.