The question is mostly to Simon, but maybe somebody else has a clue as well.
I have one Dock (which I call "AppDockieDock"), to which point out AmiDock to place AppDockies in.
There I have just a ZitaFtpserver, so once I run it, it placed there a tasty icon, of the size I choose in the Amidock's settings for that AppDockieDock, and more precisely it's: Layout/Icon minimum size and Layout/Icon maximums size. That how settings look like (and see the looks of the zitaftp icon at the bottom):
(for full-size image click to open in new tab)
Now, if I run AmiDock (with settings when iconify to place it to AmiDock Docky), I have this:
For first I think ok, it can be just different icons of different sizes: but I compare them: all the same usual size of icons. Even if I just put the AmiUpdate icon as an icon of ZitaFtp and run it, then when that icon on the ZitaFtp, it scales well in both sizes (bigger, smaller, icon scaling) by controlling via AmiDock settings.
But with AmiUpdate, it like it does not matter what I do in AmiDock, nothing changes. I try to lower the size, maximize, scale, etc: no reaction. See, there I just change to some much bigger values, and the ZitaFtp icon increases in size, while AmiUpdate one still stays the same. Can't say on which value, but around 38-42 pixels.
There I set it all to be 64 pixels and can be seen that Zita's one is increased as expected, but AmiDock's one still stays as it:
I also tried to reduce the size, to just 20 pixels, see Zita icons start to be smaller as expected, but AmiUpdate one still stays as it:
The question is: is it just in AmiUpdate code something that needs to be done, to allow AmiDock to control the size of the icon, or, there some bug in AmiDock? Or both ?:) Through as if it works with Zita, then AmiDock sure works, right?
Alternatively, what can be done about it? I probably can just try to resize the icon size in the AmiUpdate/images/dockstrip file, so it will "statically" be 24x24 and so will fit well to the top bar menu, but not sure if it will , because as I see in that dockstrip images are "64", but in the dock they for sure less. So some "scaling down" algo already works.