Probably everyone in your area is currently sleeping (you should too !!! ) Hopefully there are some others on this site from Melbourne who can help you out?
I bought all (except one) of my A1200D and A1200T off Ebay and Amibench... Really great ! The only one which didn't come from these was bought from a small UK Company with a very bad service/support and fat prices !
Defender of my A1XE-G4 / AOS4 Final Update ! Looking for a new toy ? Then try a GP2X...
Welcome. Drat I just throw out a heap of old A1200 bits. Good news is though I saved some accelerators so if you get a machine one is your for free just for trying Amiga.
I know Poweramiga has a few 1200's, he lives in N.S.W. PM him and ask him if he will sell or even give you one for free ( come on Richard..i think you can spare one of your 1200's..that will still leave you with four of them)
Defender of the faith - AMIGA computers, except no substitute!!!!
Actually as it turns out there's an accelerated A1200 in the house somewhere (030/50 IIRC), but they don't have a monitor for it. A VGA adaptor might do the trick, although he wants it mostly for games, so then he'd have to hook it up to a TV. But he'll have to get the games across from a PC so he'll need to boot into the system which IIRC was set to Multiscan:Productivity mode. But perhaps an A500 would be better for playing classic games, but he'll need the A1200 to write the disk images to floppyies that he gets off the net. Unfortunately there's nobody there who knows about Amigas to help him out.
Good news is though I saved some accelerators so if you get a machine one is your for free just for trying Amiga.
I'm in Perth trying to get an Amiga too.. Can I have an accelerator free? ;) How about if I pay for it?
Anyone in Perth got hardware they want to donate or sell?
I actually plan to learn C and begin developing for Amiga. I had an A500 and an A1200 about 14 years ago ;) Well actually Dad did. When I moved out of home, I was on my own :(