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X11 Forwarding via AmiCygnix?
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A few ignorant questions from me on AmiCygnix:
* Is there a terminal that comes with it eg. xterm. I have looked but have not found anything yet.
* I would like to X11 forward from my Linux machine. If there is a terminal will it support ssh -X? I have tried exporting the DISPLAY variable via sshterm on the Amiga side but that failed.

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Re: X11 Forwarding via AmiCygnix?
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There is no terminal for Amicygnix but you should be able to X11 forward some stuff from your linux machine.
Here is a screenshot i made in 2012 with xterm.
Resized Image(click to open in newtab for fullsize)

I'm not an linux expert and i do not remember any more how i did it but it should be doable even today.
I might have some clues somewhere on my hdd.

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Re: X11 Forwarding via AmiCygnix?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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No, there is no terminal available for AmiCygnix so far.

The easiest way to launch a Linux application on an AmiCygnix display is this:

1. To add permission to run an application on (e.g.) AmiCygnix display 0, add a new line to "Cygnix:CygnixPPC/etc/X0.hosts" and add the IP of your Linux machine.

2. Launch the application (e.g. xterm) like this on your Linux machine:

xterm --display=Amiga-IP:0

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Re: X11 Forwarding via AmiCygnix?
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Thanks. Point 1 is what I was missing. I was after a terminal to either try and ssh -X or do an xhost + command.

With point 1 I have been able to retarget a few applications as part of my testing.

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Re: X11 Forwarding via AmiCygnix?
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Being able to use remote X11 apps on a local display greatly improve the ability to use AmigaOS on a everyday life basis.

I have tried and succeed to open remote apps on the Amicygnix as explained in this thread, however that was a bit tricky, and I do not understand how to open such an app on a dedicated window on the workbench instead of opening that app in the Amigygnix desktop (see screenshot above by @smf), much like you are able to use Amicygnix apps such as Abiword in "standalone" mode. Do you know how to do that?

Could include in a next Amicygnix release:
- a guide on how to use remote apps with Amicygnix
- a new GUI to manage allowed IPs instead of editing "Cygnix:CygnixPPC/etc/X0.hosts"?

As a further improvement, I would love to see more integration between SSHterm by Fredrik Wikström and Amicygnix.

It would be great to simply type the name of an app in SSHterm while connected on a remote Linux host and see that app appearing in a dedicated and re-sizable window on the workbench using the Amicygnix X11 display capabilities.

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Re: X11 Forwarding via AmiCygnix?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Using this technique could you e.g. run Firefox on a raspberry Pi with the GUI on your Amiga?

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Re: X11 Forwarding via AmiCygnix?
Just popping in
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<p>@NinjaCyborg</p><p><span style="font-size: 9pt;">Sure, you can use pretty much any remote linux app in this way, just tried running firefox on my Raspberry Pi 4 and using the GUI from Amicygnix. See the result on my Sam460ex below.</span></p><p>I must say that you may obtain more usable result using a Remote Desktop connections (see rdesktop.lha on OS4Depot).</p><p>I see forwarding X11 apps to Amicygnix better for less demanding GUI apps, such as a text editor, or smaller apps that do not require refreshing the GUI too frequently.</p><p>http://www.locati.it/mario/sam460/tes ... x_amicygnix.jpg</p>

Edited by virgola on 2021/1/2 14:02:57
Edited by virgola on 2021/1/2 14:03:58
Edited by virgola on 2021/1/2 18:07:37
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Re: X11 Forwarding via AmiCygnix?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Being able to use remote X11 apps on a local display greatly improve the ability to use AmigaOS on a everyday life basis.

I have tried and succeed to open remote apps on the Amicygnix as explained in this thread, however that was a bit tricky, and I do not understand how to open such an app on a dedicated window on the workbench instead of opening that app in the Amigygnix desktop (see screenshot above by @smf), much like you are able to use Amicygnix apps such as Abiword in "standalone" mode. Do you know how to do that?

Could include in a next Amicygnix release:
- a guide on how to use remote apps with Amicygnix
- a new GUI to manage allowed IPs instead of editing "Cygnix:CygnixPPC/etc/X0.hosts"?

As a further improvement, I would love to see more integration between SSHterm by Fredrik Wikström and Amicygnix.

It would be great to simply type the name of an app in SSHterm while connected on a remote Linux host and see that app appearing in a dedicated and re-sizable window on the workbench using the Amicygnix X11 display capabilities.

A very nice idea to improve the handling of remote apps! I could add an menu item to the workbench windows to edit the permissions of this display.

And I could create a start script to launch an empty display.

I cannot test it here, because I have no Linux machine, but you should already be able to launch an remote application with SSHTerm. Of course you must do this by hand. Maybe there is a solution to make this by script??

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Re: X11 Forwarding via AmiCygnix?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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That's great, very interesting. Is the window manager running on the linux side or the amiga side? Can you get an Amiga look and feel? I remember years ago there was an 'amiwm' for linux that had a amiga look and feel.

I thought RDP was windows only, is there a RDP server for Linux then?

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Re: X11 Forwarding via AmiCygnix?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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yes, you are right, using SSHterm I can already launch a remote app on Amigygnix, however I don't know how to open it on a dedicated window on the workbench, and I must add every time the destination display, whereas I would like only to enter the name of the app and nothing else.

Yes, for an RDP server on linux you need to install "xrdp" then you connect to it. You need a fast connection to end up with a pleasant experience, but Linux and the Amiga should be on the same LAN attached using an ethernet cable.

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Re: X11 Forwarding via AmiCygnix?
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Just popping in

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X11 = Linux, RDP = Windows.

I don't have any Windows machines, only Linux which is why I was looking at x11 forwarding to the Amiga. I am lazy so wanted to be able to forward things like firefox to my Amiga when using it and not have to change computers.

To do X11 forwarding, you need to have a X11 server on the Amiga which is what AmiCygnix is. To use it, you generally need to set the DISPLAY env to the host to forward to (and worry about a few security options) or use something like the -X option with SSH which will allow you to forward if the ssh server settings of the host you connected to are set to allow it.

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