That's essentially what a filesystem or other handler does isn't it?
A FileSystem or handler is on top of everything, they have lot in common.
FileSystem is handling what is stored on the media, but does not interact directly with hardware, it will access the hardware normally, by talking to a device.
Handers can be used different of things, like console handler, keyboard handler, a filesystem handler, and also serial handler (I believe the serial handler talk directly to the hardware.).
Libraries is the API developers use when they code, its set of routines, that contains a index register / lookup table, you reference the routine, from a offset, different standards are used for 680x0 programs and PowerPC programs.
The OLD standard uses D0-D7,A0-A7 CPU registers, it uses 680x0 instructions, etc, wherry CPU dependent. The AmigaOS4 interface on the other hand is based on higher languages like C, so everything is written in C language. (backwards compatibility is optional.)
Devices is what normal controls the hardware, and present the blocks stored I the media.
it has lot in common with Libraries, it has some standard routines to access the device, it also has to preform reading or writing to the hardware. (the hardware can be virtual or real, that does not matter.), the device can also perform async operations, the filesystem does not need to wait for the device to write blocks, devices can be smart or stupid, they can cache blocks internally, but not all device does this.