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Joined: 2007/4/22 20:42 Last Login
: 12/3 14:21
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Hi Everyone!
Okay, I have an AmigaOne 500 with a Radeon HD 5450 and Sii 3512 card installed.
Here is what I found with the Enhancer V2.0 and the fixes I found for some of the problems.
Following programs cause the grim reaper crash:
Multiviewer - This appears to be completely broken. I was unable to get this running no matter what I did. Reverted back to the older version.
Format - This would crash on startup and ignoring the dsi errors would allow the program to run. Fixed with removing the new datatypes.library and reverting back to the old one.
Candi - This would crash when it would first start the backdrop and ignoring the dsi errors would then lauch the backdrop. This also was fixed with removing the new datatypes.library and reverting back to the old one.
Emotion - This would crash when it would start, and ignoring dsi errors would allow it to resume. This also was fixed with removing the new datatypes.library and reverting back to the old one.
AmiDvD and PartionWizard exit from an internal process as everyone on here knows.
All the other programs including Tunenet, AmiPDF, Archiver, MultiEdit, and X-Dock work fine.
The notification server is completely fixed now and shows the icons with the message with no problems. This was broke after the last OS4.1 update.
The graphics drivers appear to work. I can now see the full 512 megs on my Radeon card. I know my card is not compatible with the Warp3d stuff so I cannot test that.
The sound, mod, mpega, wav datatypes is still broke. They are better then the last enhancer update, since the last one I could not get them to play sound at all, but now they play sound, however the system beep is messed up. If you have a wav selected in the sound prefs. Once the computer boots and you try to quit the workbench, it flashes the screen but does not play the wav file. Once you open the sound prefs and save it, it then works. But after you reboot, same problem all over again.
What seemed to fix most of the problems for me was going back to the datatypes.library V54.7.
I would recommend to any AmigaOne 500 owners, revert back to the datatypes.library, go back to the original sound.datatype, mod, mpega, and wav datatypes.
Okay, this was my experience with this. I am looking forward to getting the new A1222 since I am in the early adopter program!