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Joined: 2019/11/27 12:32 Last Login
: 11/19 8:00
From RNO
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AHI's mixing routines are quite primitive and if you increase channels, playback quality decreases even if you aren't playing concurrent sounds.
I would advice to set channels as few as you still find comfortable in your use.
I've noticed that I don't use more than two programs that output audio at once pretty much ever, so I've set my channels to two. This still allows me to play something like video clips or test a game while listening music on the background, but keeping the quality quite good.
This is why AHI has the Music Unit, which overrides anything else playing to keep the quality at max in certain cases. But if you want to let everything (including the Music Unit) to play simultanously, you can forward the Music Unit to other unit, but especially in this case I would really keep amount of the channels low.