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Joined: 2006/12/4 23:15 Last Login
: 3/9 16:57
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Thanks for buying SketchBlock, hope you have fun with it.
SketchBlock uses the public screens system.
Check that the public screen name is set to SketchBlock (open menu->settings->edit). It's the default so it should be.
Open the systems screens prefs SYS:Prefs/Screens and create one called "SketchBlock", make sure it's set to open and close automatically.
As an advanced step the Themes drawer in the sketchblock directory contains a gui.prefs and pallete.prefs file to make the window colurs and a couple of system gadgets match the sketchblock KS gadget theme.
These are setup by selecting the use custom setting file checkbox and setting the paths to the file as
GUI tab <path to sketchblock>/Themes/KS/Presets/gui.prefs Pallette tab <path to sketchblock>/Themes/KS/Presets/palette.prefs
These last two steps are only needed if using the KS theme, if using AISS theme then just use "Like Workbench" for all screen settings.
Now when you start SketchBlock the next time it should open on it's own screen.