As some of you may be aware from the Amiwest 2021 talks by Mattew and Hans, there is work going on by Hans (sponsored by Trevor and Mattew) on a layer for Warp3DNova which will allow all Warp3DNova cards to have the ability to run old Warp3D/MiniGL apps without needs to think about anything. So it will work and on Radeon RX and on RAdeonHD etc.
There is 2 monthly old introduction to NovaBridge from Hans: after a few more bug fixes and tests, I want to share how it is all in real life already. That is not a public release, as it is all up to when it will be finished and when Mattew will release it. It's just a beta of WIP to show how it is all already and what you can expect later.
So, there is: recorded video as much care as possible: 1920x1080 full HD 60FPS and even things that run in 640x480 scaled to 1920x1080 to look almost as they were looked originally.
Video split into 3 parts:
1). Show the AmigaOS4 native apps whch use MiniGL
2). Show the AmigaOS4 native apps which use Warp3D directly
3). Show the WarpOS apps which use Warp3D and/or MiniGL, which is possible due to the work done by Daniel "DVDboon/Hedeon" on ReWarp and ReWarp3DPPC projects, so WarpOS apps can work almost as if you use old, WarpOS based Amigas.
You can get the accurate timings in the description of the video.
The most interesting things probably will be WarpOS apps: there I run WipeOUT2097, Heretic2, demos from Encore, MadWizzards, etc. They all work in hardware rendering mode, of course, have no needs for _ANY_ patches from anywhere, so can say that at the moment NovaBridge is the most compatible Warp3D from all the possible realizations on any old/new amiga and amiga flavors, because even stuff which works before on Voodoos but not on Radeon or in another way around, now just works as expected.
Have fun!