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Ibrowse Bookmarks
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I was wondering if it is possible in IBrowse to add the new bookmarks to the end, rather than the beginning of the bookmarks list when using 'Bookmarks/add bookmark'.

I have certaion sites set up such as ebay, yell.com, AA route planner, at the top of my bookmark list, and I would like to keep them there. Instead of having to drag them back to the top after a few internet sessions.

Also I have some groups set up on bookmarks, for hobby's or current projects I am looking at, and I wondered whether it is possible to save a bookmark directly into a group rather than again dragging & dropping it there.

Any info greatfully received.

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Re: Ibrowse Bookmarks
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Here I have found Ibrowse adds to the last group accessed when clicking on the Add button in the tool bar. If no group has been accessed then the bookmark is added to the top of my list as you say. beyond that I don't know anyway of changing it.

A1XE G4 800Mhz, 512Mb, Sil0680, ATI9200se 128Mb, Sounblaster Live & Catweazle Mk3 with SID chip +OS4.1.
A4000 233MhzPPC/04025Mhz, 112Mb, CyberPPC, OS3.9
Other Amiga's A4000, A2000 A500+, A500 & various hardware. 15+ other retro machines.
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Re: Ibrowse Bookmarks
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Not without editing the order by hand, what you could do though is use the alias option.

Set the aliases to ebay, yell, aa etc, then just type those in the location box.

Another option is to use the 'show in bookmarks menu' option for the ones you use the most.

Amiga user since 1985
AOS4, A-EON, IBrowse & Alinea Betatester

Ps. I hate the new amigans website. <shudder>
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Re: Ibrowse Bookmarks
Just popping in
Just popping in

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was wondering if it is possible in IBrowse to add the new bookmarks to the end, rather than the beginning of the bookmarks list when using 'Bookmarks/add bookmark'.

I have thousands of bookmarks nested in rather deep sub-directories and use two methods to keep them straight.
(1)I use "bookmarks/add bookmarks"
(2)Highlight the exact place in the list I wish the bookmark to appear
(3)Then when I add the bookmark, it's inserted into my filing system exactly where I want it
(4)The ability to drag aroud entire bookmark sub-directories and their contents also helps in re-organizing the bookmarks. Invididual entries (as opposed to entire groups/sub-directories) can be re-organized in the same fashion.

This applies to your quesion in the sense that filing into logical categories "as you go" makes for less work later.


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