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CD Audio Tracks as Files
Not too shy to talk
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I've just noticed that audio CDs are showing up as a volume with tracks presented as audio files that I can access from Workbench. This is a feature that I remember from one of the CD filesystems back in the day, but I don't remember when this what introduced on OS4. It's a nice feature... but it appears to be preventing the data portion of CDs from being mounted, meaning I can no longer see any data files on any CDs.

Where do I go to revert this setting? I don't use CDs all that much so I can't tell when this started happening, but other than Enhancer 1.5 and any official updates, this is a very plain OS4.1FE setup.

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Re: CD Audio Tracks as Files
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I think it's been like that "all the time", i.e. since it was created for OS4 back in the early naughties.

As for switching between the audio and data tracks, in SYS:Documentation/CDFileSystem.doc you can read:

Supported qualifiers (press when inserting the CD):
- <ctrl>: Disables data track on mixed audio+data CDs,
mounts HFS/HFS+ instead of ISO 9660 on hybrid CDs.
- <shift>: Disables audio tracks on mixed audio+data CDs.

Perhaps that is what you need? I haven't tried it myself (not sure if I have any audio CDs with data tracks).

Best regards,


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Re: CD Audio Tracks as Files
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Yeah, I know it had the CD audio tracks as files, but for me at least, they were presented alongside the data files on mixed CDs. Good information on the shortcuts, thanks! My problem however was the data portion being suppressed, even though no keys were being held. Interestingly, by switching my drive settings from UDMA to best PIO (using an sii0680 board), the problem went away. I'll put this down as one of those A1-XE quirks for now I guess.

Thanks :)

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Re: CD Audio Tracks as Files
Just popping in
Just popping in

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shouldn't there be some tooltypes/args in the mountlist
that specifies default behavior?

I think it is AsimCDFS you are thinking about v. 3.12 I think was the last one, it was great you got automatic conversion of CDDA to MP3, AIFF and perhaps 8 and 16 bit amiga IFF, and I wonder if AmiCDFS didn't also have that feature

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Re: CD Audio Tracks as Files
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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shouldn't there be some tooltypes/args in the mountlist
that specifies default behavior?
What mountlist? The OS4 CDFileSystem doesn't have/need any mountlist/DOSDriver files, it activates any optical drives automatically.

Best regards,


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Re: CD Audio Tracks as Files
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Well you still need to be able to specify a default behavior
using key combinations when inserting a disc might have worked on Amiga os 1.3 but to use it for anything newer... laughable... what's next, boot and hold down clrt-a+alt-f+alt-w to boot up workbench?

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Re: CD Audio Tracks as Files
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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There's nothing wrong with the current scheme - it combines the best of both worlds. I assumed there was a setting that I'd inadvertently modified since it replicated the behaviour of AsimCDFS or whatever, but it turned out to be a hardware quirk of some sort.

Do you have a specific use case that you have found where you need to use these qualifiers?

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Re: CD Audio Tracks as Files
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Well you still need to be able to specify a default behavior
Default behaviour is that it's just working, however at the time I ported CDFileSystem to AmigaOS 4.x about half of the CD burning tools (more than 75% of the Windows burning tools) created broken CDs/DVDs.
There are several checks for such broken CDs/DVDs in CDFileSystem, but not all cases can be detected automatically and the qualifiers were added to be able to access data/audio on such invalid CDs/DVDs.

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