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Joined: 2008/1/8 15:28 Last Login
: 2023/11/24 9:56
From Dublin/Glasgow
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Recently my Radeon 9250 started having weird glitches and corruption, so I swapped it out for another Radeon 9250. Glitches are gone and it seems to work fine, however when I change screenmodes in Screenmode preferences, the system locks up, with an almost completely blank grey screen but for the frozen mouse pointer and a few corrupted lines from the Workbench screen. I don't think this is a hardware issue because testing the screenmode works just fine, and other software opening different screenmodes also works just fine. This only happens when saving or using the screenmode for Workbench. If I save the mode and reboot, the saved mode works just fine too.
Any ideas? Is there possibly some confusion between the old display modes and the new perhaps, given that both cards have the same name but are physically different models? Is there a way to flush the screenmodes database? Renaming screenmodes.prefs resulted in a black screen after the splashscreen, so I needed to boot from the 4.1FE CD to restore the file.