You don't know how much I appreciate your response, Thanks a lot,
YT.rexx and Aiostreams also work perfectly to watch streams on TwitchTV etc. with winuae
So the above programs work perfectly and I really wouldn't need anything else.
Indeed I always thank the authors for these programs.
I discovered this program and I was trying with Odyssey to make it work in real time:
https://github.com/atauenis/weboneit only supports proxy but I can adapt it on the fly with XAAMP to have http * support to work better with it.
Clearly my idea is dedicated to "winuae" and therefore I understand that there is obviously no interest in this in the forum and I understand it indeed I apologize if I insist sometimes
I managed to get the Youtube streaming stream in real time (while ffmpeg for windows) processes it all Emotion video players - FFPlay - MickJT-MPlayer - of amigaos 4.1 are able to play the video without problems and without problems of DRM
actually the hard part for me is getting it to work directly in Odyssey (Timberwolf cannot support this process).
I have tried very rudimentary with Odyssey directly within its Browser but I sometimes get a crash of "newlib" or Odyssey's response with this the Odyssey Internal Player has crashed.
Basically WebOne is written in "C" and obviously is not meant to be used with the Broser Odyssey, I imagine that someone experienced in this "Amiga" side would be able to easily modify it to use it with Odyssey as well.
Thanks again for your answer indeed any further advice would be very nice.
I leave here the part dedicated to WebOne for YouTube so maybe it is easier to understand what I mean, moreover the webone.conf file is easily editable and therefore once downloaded it would be enough to take a look inside to adapt it to YouTube for Odyssey.
; YouTube playback (youtube-dl & glue script)
[Edit: ^ (http: // www \. | Http: //) youtube.com/watch.*&dl]
OnHostOS = Windows
AddConvert = yt.bat
AddResponseHeader = Content-Type: video / MP2T
changing this line i get the youtube file download to start streaming and it works flawlessly.
[Edit: ^ (http: // www \. | Http: //) youtube.com/watch.*]
instead I would like to try to make it work directly in the Odyssey Browser.
[Edit: ^ (http: // www \. | Http: //) youtube.com/watch.*&dl]
OnHostOS = Linux
AddConvert = yt.sh
AddResponseHeader = Content-Type: video / MP2T
[Edit: ^ (http: // www \. | Http: //) youtube.com/watch.*&dl]
OnHostOS = macOS
AddConvert = yt.sh
AddResponseHeader = Content-Type: video / MP2T
; YouTube playback (via original ViewTube)
[Edit: ^ (http: // www \. | Http: //). *. Googlevideo.com/]
AddConvert = ffmpeg
AddConvertArg1 = -vcodec mpeg2video -acodec mp2 -f mpegts
AddResponseHeader = Content-Type: video / MP2T
; Choose right codecs which are correct for client PC and media player.
My modified YT.bat is this is working but it should probably be improved even more.
@rem Download a YouTube video and return it as a stream of MTS with MPEG2 data.
@rem Requires youtube-dl.exe and ffmpeg.exe in same folder as the batch and WebOne.
@ youtube-dl "% 1" -o - | ffmpeg -protocol_whitelist file, http, https, tcp, tls -movflags + frag_keyframe + separate_moof + omit_tfhd_offset + empty_moov output.mp4 -y -i pipe: -vcodec libx264 -acodec mp2 -f mpegts pipe: