ssolie wrote:
4) Tired of web forums and the large amount of time they waste
You are telling me! Just think how much more productive our economy would be if all those little deflections wouldn't exist! Nowadays it is very difficult to keep concentrated on something for a longer time, either
-the mobile rings
-an email arrives (of course you need to read it immediately, it could be something urgent!)
-a text message arrives (of course you need to read it immediately, it could be something urgent!)
-somebody pops into your office and invites you for a coffee
-your girlfriend phones you at work, telling you that she just bought this expensive pair of shoes with your creditcard
-you need to check the news-site, because something could have happened during the last 7 minutes that you didnt check it
-you need to check Amigans.net, because a new post could have appeared
I once had an interview with a great scientist who published many papers in some great journals. He told me that when he is preparing a paper, he buys lots of coffee, completely locks his office (him being inside!), turns off his phone and disconnects the internet. Maybe this is the only way of doing it. But I think it is only possible in scientific jobs.