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Joined: 2022/9/4 7:43 Last Login
: 2023/8/17 13:22
From Italy
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Here I am again, I recently found an RX 570 to test in my X5000, but I still have the same problems that I have already described above. The model is an RX 570 Pulse with 4GB of ram, the PN is 299-5E353-D30SA, while the SKU # is 11266-04-20G.
In my opinion the card, but also the previous RX 560, works correctly, but there is something in the system that creates conflict and prevents the Sound Blaster from working; for this I wanted to ask you to make a comparison between my X5000 and yours; especially I was thinking about the operating system, do you have the update 2 of OS4.1 FE installed?
You also have the Cyrus firmware version (the one on microSD) from the factory or the latest updated one?
I noticed that when OS4.1 starts up the CPU is 100% busy intermittently, I thought it depended on the power option to assign as High to the Polaris 10 (as my RX 570 is seen from the system) but even in this case I don't solve. Can I activate the power preference from startup sequence? I read somewhere it is bugged.
I unplugged the second PCI card and removed the power supply to the second HD (MorphOS 'one) and to the DVD rom, in order to see if it was a power supply issue, but also in this case nothing changes. In my opinion it should be something that can be fixed, but I need to investigate.
Any suggestions or ideas you can give me is appreciated.