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Four Versions of AOS??? Amiga HAS a future!
Quite a regular
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If Amiga Inc. Del. get a COPY of the AOS4.0 source code (give 'em 2004's*), can't Hyperion Entertainment STILL release AOS4.x and pay Amiga Inc. a license fee per copy sold?? They STILL have the right to release AOS into the future, right?

The reason I say four** (maybe five) AOSs is because then there are AROS, MOS, AOS4.x and Amiga Inc.'s AOS5.x will be circulating out there too. There'll be about as many users of AOS5.x as there are of AmigaDE... Heh heh.

Also, Hyperion, even though the first court hearing was on May 31st, 2007, released an update in July!!!! ...and they are STILL coding to this day! (As we found out 2 or 3 days ago. Also, they have plans laid out into the future! Can Amiga Inc. say the same, but mean it in any way, tangibly? Where's their ACK MB? They could release AOS5.x without a single line of source code from Hyperion, after all they've been coding 5.x for 2 years, right?)

Eyetech was reliable, my AmigaOne G4XE works.

Hyperion Entertainment is reliable, AOS4.0 is working, and progressing.

Amiga Inc. is a dead weight, producing nothing, and hindering advancement. (Sam440 is out there, but they refuse to license it.)

Whose side are you on?

* Amiga Inc. Delaware won't be able to compile it, they don't have even one (micro)AmigaOne!!!!

** Of course I'm only interested in Hyperion's.

Support Amiga Fantasy cases!!!
How to program: 1. Start with lots and lots of 0's. 10. Add 1's, liberally.
"Details for OS 5 will be made public in the fourth quarter of 2007, ..." - Bill McEwen
Whoah!!! He spoke, a bit late.
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Re: Four Versions of AOS??? Amiga HAS a future!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Whose side are you on?

I am on noones side. The only side I respect is the side of the law.
If a company (yes this includes Hyperion) agree to a stupid contract (yes I think the 25k sum was a stupid thing to agree to), then it is only THEM to blame for it.
I don't understand the whole mentality that some have when they say that Amiga Inc wants to steal the OS4 from Hyperion. Some people are angry and say something like:
"Hyperion has worked so hard and brought OS4 forward, Amiga Inc has done nothing and now they want to steal back the OS for only 25K!"
The terms were always clear to the managers at Hyperion when they signed the contract, so I dont understand why some peoples are so upset about it. They should look at the law and not at the morals, because those unfortunately have not much place in business.

I will respect the decision of the judge. I am only on the side of law.

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Re: Four Versions of AOS??? Amiga HAS a future!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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There are details to be ironed out (as to what actually has happened), but if it turns out that Hyperion is judged to be at fault (for refusing to turn over source code that they had agreed would be turned over) will those same individuals who are currently hammering away at Amiga, Inc. then stop, turn, and point a finger at Hyperion, or will they close their eyes, cover their ears, and scream, ?LA, LA, LA, LA, LA! I CAN?T HEAR YOU! LA, LA, LA, LA, LA!? like spoiled little brats? The managers of Hyperion signed a contract that specified a very specific amount of money. They are now refusing to abide by an agreement that they knowingly signed. Where?s the moral high ground in that? They have broken a promise documented in writing and witnessed to and attested by lawyers. So many are quite willing to throw the ?broken promises? grenade at Amiga, Inc. Why is it that Hyperion gets to skate when they have done EXACTLY that?WITH lawyers involved?

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Re: Four Versions of AOS??? Amiga HAS a future!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Coming from another perspective, a Mac-using friend and coworker of mine is genuinely wondering, if Amiga is so dead and out of date, why is it that there are so many lawsuits involved with it? Why would people who are so big and powerful as a past financial steward of George Soros of all people care so deeply about something that is supposedly so dead and out of date?

We should all stop throwing brikbats at each other and take the time to figure out what it is that is so attractive to these people about Amiga.

Time to get a clue?

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Re: Four Versions of AOS??? Amiga HAS a future!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Helge wrote:

I am on noones side. The only side I respect is the side of the law.

Hi Helge,

Amiga Inc. (W.) broke the law successfully 3 times already.

They didn't pay their landlord. They didn't pay at least 2 employees, nor Bill McEwen either, and I think they didn't pay Garry Hare the full amount that he was supposed to get also. THEN they transferred the rights of AOS to KMOS and Itec, for how much money????? And why didn't any of that go to the former employees that won judgements agaisnt them?

Just how much was the IP transferred for? Five cents?? Where is that cash?

Then there is the coupons that they bailed out on refunding, clearly violating their offer to us.

They almost totally ignore us, and were gung ho producing a "go nowhere" 'Amiga DE' product, one with no prospects at all. An OS on another layer of OS and that running on a real OS, HA!

They are running a total shell game sham, one where, they pursue Hyperion Entertainment in court, transfer ONLY the amount of needed funds into the bank account of Amiga Inc. D. as is needed (for their lawyers and court fees) so that IF they lose in court, Hyperion will find it impossible to counter sue to get THEIR court costs back. How clever in deed. Drive the knife in as far as it could go.

Meanwhile leaving us sitting here like idiots waiting for their yet another lie of new HW on the horizon.... So where is it? They've got till Sep. 22.

Helge wrote:

If a company (yes this includes Hyperion) agree to a stupid contract (yes I think the 25k sum was a stupid thing to agree to), then it is only THEM to blame for it.
I don't understand the whole mentality that some have when they say that Amiga Inc wants to steal the OS4 from Hyperion. Some people are angry and say something like:
"Hyperion has worked so hard and brought OS4 forward, Amiga Inc has done nothing and now they want to steal back the OS for only 25K!"

Well, conveniently Amiga chooses to ignore the fact that they need to pay for work rendered BEFORE they can choose to exercise the 25K (buy-back-buy-out-buy-in whatever it is.)

Billsey wrote:

Coming from another perspective, a Mac-using friend and coworker of mine is genuinely wondering, if Amiga is so dead and out of date, why is it that there are so many lawsuits involved with it? Why would people who are so big and powerful as a past financial steward of George Soros of all people care so deeply about something that is supposedly so dead and out of date?

We should all stop throwing brikbats at each other and take the time to figure out what it is that is so attractive to these people about Amiga.

Hi Billsey,

Well, I already stated that AOS4.x is worth US$700+ Mil.

Support Amiga Fantasy cases!!!
How to program: 1. Start with lots and lots of 0's. 10. Add 1's, liberally.
"Details for OS 5 will be made public in the fourth quarter of 2007, ..." - Bill McEwen
Whoah!!! He spoke, a bit late.
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Re: Four Versions of AOS??? Amiga HAS a future!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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If the judge rules that Amiga Inc is right with their claims and if the judge decides that Amiga Inc has "won" the lawsuit, what will you say and what will you do?

Will you say that the judge is wrong? Or will you acknowledge it and only bemoan the decision?

I know what I will do. I think I will be sad about such a decision, because then there is not much hope left for OS4.
BUT: I will acknowledge the decision of the judge, I will not critizise it, because the judge will decide on the basis of the facts and the contracts the companies agreed to. If Hyperion agrees to stupid contracts it is only THEIR fault.

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Re: Four Versions of AOS??? Amiga HAS a future!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Helge wrote:


If the judge rules that Amiga Inc is right with their claims and if the judge decides that Amiga Inc has "won" the lawsuit, what will you say and what will you do?

Hi Helge,

Well, that would put me into a dillema, as Amiga Inc. don't sell anything, and that would include AOS4.x if they got ahold of it!

Can they then recall AOS4.0 that we're all using now? What does it mean, is my copy legally sanctioned to be used by me??

(Like I really care if some judge decided I couldn't use it. I bought it, so there!)

Support Amiga Fantasy cases!!!
How to program: 1. Start with lots and lots of 0's. 10. Add 1's, liberally.
"Details for OS 5 will be made public in the fourth quarter of 2007, ..." - Bill McEwen
Whoah!!! He spoke, a bit late.
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Re: Four Versions of AOS??? Amiga HAS a future!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Atheist wrote:
Can they then recall AOS4.0 that we're all using now? What does it mean, is my copy legally sanctioned to be used by me??

You are joking right*?

*I am not sure because sometimes you seem to take things too serious.

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Re: Four Versions of AOS??? Amiga HAS a future!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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The "drama" continues!!!

Perhaps I should have called this "Four Versions of AOS and TWO Amiga Inc.s??? Amiga HAS a future!", seeing as there are now documents that may state that Amiga Inc. W. still exists!

One on the west coast and one on the east of the USA, so now they could conquor, "Victory is mine!" -- Stewie.

Support Amiga Fantasy cases!!!
How to program: 1. Start with lots and lots of 0's. 10. Add 1's, liberally.
"Details for OS 5 will be made public in the fourth quarter of 2007, ..." - Bill McEwen
Whoah!!! He spoke, a bit late.
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Re: Four Versions of AOS??? Amiga HAS a future!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Oh, and neither has product to sell....

That reminds me, there were probably more lawyers in the courtroom that day in Seattle than Amiga Inc. (either one) has employees!!!!!

I'm surprised that no one has questioned the authenticity of those faxes. Are they the real McCoy?

Support Amiga Fantasy cases!!!
How to program: 1. Start with lots and lots of 0's. 10. Add 1's, liberally.
"Details for OS 5 will be made public in the fourth quarter of 2007, ..." - Bill McEwen
Whoah!!! He spoke, a bit late.
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Re: Four Versions of AOS??? Amiga HAS a future!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Atheist wrote:
If Amiga Inc. Del. get a COPY of the AOS4.0 source code (give 'em 2004's*), can't Hyperion Entertainment STILL release AOS4.x and pay Amiga Inc. a license fee per copy sold?? They STILL have the right to release AOS into the future, right?

After this quarrel I don't believe there'll be any constructive/productive cooperation between AInc and Hyperion.


Also, Hyperion, even though the first court hearing was on May 31st, 2007, released an update in July!!!! ...and they are STILL coding to this day! (As we found out 2 or 3 days ago. Also, they have plans laid out into the future!

I really hope that besides enthusiasm and commitment to the project there's additional reason for this: they are confident that the quarrel will be sorted in their favour.


Can Amiga Inc. say the same, but mean it in any way, tangibly? Where's their ACK MB? They could release AOS5.x without a single line of source code from Hyperion, after all they've been coding 5.x for 2 years, right?)

Probably ACK has the product, only the usual delays and the uncertainty prevent it from appearing "in flesh". As to AInc 2 years of coding: imho it's a bluff or they are intentionally of self-convincingly referring their affair with M$-based PDAs.


Eyetech was reliable, my AmigaOne G4XE works.

Arguable matter. Build quality isn't top notch (I mean the assembly).
My CPU seemed to fry, the module somehow lost one of the (luckily) unused L3 caches, replacing the CPU @ACube didn't help (hopefully only "yet"). The whole stuff has nothing to do with Eyetech besides their ability actually to make it happen that by itself deserves an applause. As to childhood illnesses of the design --- I can't complain, I knew I was getting an unfinished design. Pity Eyetech had enough of so called "Amiga community" attitude. I think the public was too involved in the process of making the hardware.


Hyperion Entertainment is reliable, AOS4.0 is working, and progressing.

The brightest light in the neighbourhood.


Amiga Inc. is a dead weight, producing nothing, and hindering advancement. (Sam440 is out there, but they refuse to license it.)

I agree but this subject beaten and chewed on all over forms....


Whose side are you on?

The side that won't let Amiga hardware/AOS die....

I hope it'll be all the designs that exist the (ACube+Troka+ACK+Genesi) +Hyperion as OS maker.

And I don't car whenever it has the right logo/color.


Edit: typos

PS: my 300-th post

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"the expression, 'atonal music,' is most unfortunate--it is on a par with calling flying 'the art of not falling,' or swimming 'the art of not drowning.'. A. Schoenberg
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Re: Four Versions of AOS??? Amiga HAS a future!
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Atheist wrote:

Amiga Inc. is a dead weight, producing nothing, and hindering advancement. (Sam440 is out there, but they refuse to license it.)

Whose side are you on?

Keep this in perspective:

Without the agreement of Amigainc there would be no OS4. Amigainc has been trying to get the OS4 sources from Hyperion for years. There is a contract.

I personaly would like to see what Amiga inc has in mind for AOS but they have been stifled by Hyperion.

I am not saying that Amigainc is perfect but the IP belongs to Amigainc. Even Eyetech, not being an Amigainc fan, blasted Hyperion for their actions.

Lets not tar one company without the other. They both are responsible for this mess.

At this point I would like to see both companies go belly-up and the Friedens get the rights to AOS.

That does not seem likely so for the moment I am hoping they can come to an agreement that stays out of court and saves them both lots of money. That would be the best for all of us.

Side... unfortunately we need them both for now.

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Re: Four Versions of AOS??? Amiga HAS a future!
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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At this point I would like to see both companies go belly-up and the Friedens get the rights to AOS.

I just hope *one* entity (company, person, whatever) owns all of Amiga OS at some point in the near future. It is obvious people just can't get along and share Amiga OS responsibility without ending up in court.

ExecSG Team Lead
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Re: Four Versions of AOS??? Amiga HAS a future!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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goody wrote:

I am not saying that Amigainc is perfect but the IP belongs to Amigainc.

This is currently being disputed. Only the judge will rule where the IP belongs.

Even Eyetech, not being an Amigainc fan, blasted Hyperion for their actions.

For what actions? When did this happen? Do you have any reference to back up your claims?

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Re: Four Versions of AOS??? Amiga HAS a future!
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Helge wrote:


goody wrote:
Even Eyetech, not being an Amigainc fan, blasted Hyperion for their actions.

For what actions? When did this happen? Do you have any reference to back up your claims?

After I posted that I knew someone would ask for proof so I have been looking and I can not find it. I recall from memory a posting by Redhouse but now I can not find it.

I hope someone can help me out here.

I did find it. See next post.

Edited by goody on 2007/8/29 10:22:02
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Re: Four Versions of AOS??? Amiga HAS a future!
Just popping in
Just popping in

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goody wrote:

Even Eyetech, not being an Amigainc fan, blasted Hyperion for their actions.

Helge wrote:

For what actions? When did this happen?
Do you have any reference to back up your claims?

This is not the exact quote I was thinking of but it is along the same lines. I included a link so you can read it in context.



By Redhouse on 2006-03-26 21:06:37 UTC in reply to "Amiga, Inc. is not Amiga"
Hyperion are also to blame, you just do not do deals with a company like Amiga Inc. Now Hyperion will not release the "final" version due to all the money they have to pay people.

In this case i think more of Amiga Inc than Hyperion ( that is saying something).

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Re: Four Versions of AOS??? Amiga HAS a future!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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You don't really believe that this is the real Redhouse, do you? These are the messages of a troll, not of Alan Redhouse! Someone registered with his name, this is very obvious.


Please have a look at the following links and make your own judgement if this is the real Redhouse or just a troll:

Troll, not Redhouse 1

Sadly that is their usually attitude. To be a true Amigan you must buy crap overpriced hardware (without a warranty) and you must support companies who`s main interests are to rip people off.

Troll, not Redhouse 2

Face it OS4 is dead thanks to the wonderful people at Hyperion and Amiga Inc.

Troll, not Redhouse 3

I have made up my mind from these links and all I can say is that this is NOT Redhouse speaking, but only a troll. I think many will agree with me.

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Re: Four Versions of AOS??? Amiga HAS a future!
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I agree the quotes you gave do not sound like Redhouse.

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